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IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:01:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

各个组也不一样的,很难一概而论。如上面有人说,phd主要作quant,在我们组确实是这样。20%的quant支持80%的trader,但quant的角色不一样,有的地方quant就是给trader打杂的,看trader脸色。我们那里boss是一直负责quant,其他人轮转,据说这样可以保持science knowledge不落伍,最重要的trading strategy都是quant设计。所以做trader的时候market close就可以下班了,作quant的时候要辛苦很多,每天12个小时左右,6天,跟着头研究数学。
Post by melua;3372573
同意楼上说的, 分享经验比较受欢迎

ccfenix  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:03:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

IMO 还是很不容易的
Post by mojave3;3372644
ccfenix  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:08:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

hum, after all, you are more on the trader side or on the quant side? may we know?
Post by IBtraderEU;3372365
It's true that anyone can be trader as long as you can grab money from others' pocket. However, there are too many candidates who want to join this dirty but high-paid job.  As I said, supply and demand works as an invisible hand in the competitive market. Our boss requires the traders in his department not only to rob money from other people, but also need to talk about science. So we hire PhD from math, physics, engineering and economics area.

I am just "borrowed" here to help my colleague improve our partner's performance. You know, after the big loss recently, sometime it's better to keep "low key" in the trading market for IB, and putting a small company in front of us might be a good solution.
ccfenix  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:10:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

我没有接触过什么hard quant,不过一个星期超过60小时想算法,再强的人一年也就废掉了。反正我肯定是废掉了
Post by IBtraderEU;3372666
各个组也不一样的,很难一概而论。如上面有人说,phd主要作quant,在我们组确实是这样。20%的quant支持80%的trader,但quant的角色不一样,有的地方quant就是给trader打杂的,看trader脸色。我们那里boss是一直负责quant,其他人轮转,据说这样可以保持science knowledge不落伍,最重要的trading strategy都是quant设计。所以做trader的时候market close就可以下班了,作quant的时候要辛苦很多,每天12个小时左右,6天,跟着头研究数学。
melua  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:13:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by IBtraderEU;3372666
各个组也不一样的,很难一概而论。如上面有人说,phd主要作quant,在我们组确实是这样。20%的quant支持80%的trader,但quant的角色不一样,有的地方quant就是给trader打杂的,看trader脸色。我们那里boss是一直负责quant,其他人轮转,据说这样可以保持science knowledge不落伍,最重要的trading strategy都是quant设计。所以做trader的时候market close就可以下班了,作quant的时候要辛苦很多,每天12个小时左右,6天,跟着头研究数学。

melua  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:15:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

Post by ccfenix;3372691
我没有接触过什么hard quant,不过一个星期超过60小时想算法,再强的人一年也就废掉了。反正我肯定是废掉了

IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:19:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

as I said, we rotate between quant and trader roles. Our boss think this can keep people sensitive to the market as well as remembering complicated mathematics.
Post by ccfenix;3372682
hum, after all, you are more on the trader side or on the quant side? may we know?
IBtraderEU  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:23:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

I think PhD work more than this. Anyway, only doing quant role takes such a long time. When functioning as trader doesn't require this heavy work.
Post by ccfenix;3372691
我没有接触过什么hard quant,不过一个星期超过60小时想算法,再强的人一年也就废掉了。反正我肯定是废掉了
ccfenix  见习海盗  2008-8-14 19:27:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 法国

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

wow! that's awesome
you must be a guru then, u also visit quant board of mitbbs?
Post by IBtraderEU;3372723
as I said, we rotate between quant and trader roles. Our boss think this can keep people sensitive to the market as well as remembering complicated mathematics.
毛主席夸我帅  四海霸王  2008-8-14 20:11:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 这里做trader的多吗?

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