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Currently I am busy preparing your file for the IB&M Admission Board's
meeting on 10 December.

Unfortunately, your application lacks important documents and therefore
the Admission Board cannot start reviewing your application.

- please send a description of the courses in your BSc programme and a
literature list of *courses* *you still have to take* in the remaining
year (title and author).
Very often, course descriptions and the literature used for a course is
available in a (online) studyguide/course overview. Furthermore I would
like to receive information on subjects in the field o research methods
and your thesis.

In order to establish the level and contents of the courses taken it is
very helpful for the IB&M Admissions Board to have this information. If
it is not possible for you to send this information, can you please
indicate this and also specify why you are not able to give the information?

Once we received these documents and/or your reply, the IB&M Admissions
Board can consider your application.

Looking forward to receiving the additional information.


费城星期一  ↗贵宾↗  2007-12-2 01:51:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 关于格大的课程描述的问题.....

1 问下学校是不是搞错了,没看到你的课程描述
2 课程描述怎么写论坛里有,自己搜一下
初夏水结冰  中级海盗  2007-12-6 22:58:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于格大的课程描述的问题.....

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