回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?
Some ASCI drawings.
LBO ------ MBO ----- HBO ---- University
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IVBO ----- VMBO ---- HAVO ----- VWO
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Special PS, Primairy School
Within HBO and Universiy is
Master HBO ------ Master Uni
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Bachelor HBO --- Bachelor Uni
In the netherlands there is a differents bteween Bachelor/Master HBO and Uni. But abroad its the same.
Officially only Bachelor and Master are available for abroad students. Everything below that is more or less "stupid". Trust me I have done IVBO, and ended up at the Uni.
Within MBO and LBO you have differents "levels"
Such Like MBO4, that is the level below HBO Bachelor, you have also MBO1 that is for the stupid people. THeir major are like barber, butcher, baker, streetmaker etc.
ROC is a "college", MBO mostly. So if you are ended up there, you didnt very well back in china :P
Within VWO you have "atheneum and gynasium" the only differents between them is... at least it was 5 years ago... Greek and Latin.
Anymore Question? Ive done almost everything. Except LBO. |