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jenniferq14  高级海盗  2007-6-23 10:29:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

雾轮客  海贼王  2007-6-23 10:38:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

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雾轮客  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:21:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

1。VMBO=voorbereidend middelbaar bereopsonderwijs.
中等职业预备教育,读4年。是前几年荷兰搞教育改革的时候把 mavo和vbo[或LBO]合并而成的,这类学校有色人种特别多,有的地方几乎是黑压压一片,校风也不理想,特别是公立学校。
2。HAVO=hoher algemeen voortgezet onderwijs.
3。VWO=voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs.
这类学校有两个重要分支:gymnasium 和 atheneum,前者从一年级开始就要学习拉丁文和希腊文,这是进入大学的医学,神学,法律专业必须的。后者不学习希腊文,但是有的学校会教拉丁文,加修了拉丁文的人可以进入医学,神学,法律专业的某些科目学习[看不同大学的要求],否则只能进入上述三个专业以外的科目。

从HAVO的三~五年级 和 VWO 的三~六年级叫boven bouw[高层],学生分4个方向确定重点:文化,经济,健康,数理,不同的重点对于语言,数学,物理科目的难道要求不同。大致相当于中国的文理分科。
已有1人评分 小红花 理由
lqj + 1

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死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:42:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

Education in the Netherlands
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The different levels of education in the Netherlands
Education in the Netherlands is characterized by division: education is oriented toward the needs and background of the pupil. Education is divided over schools for different age groups, some of these are in turn divided in streams for different educational levels. Schools are furthermore divided in public and special (religious) schools.
Education policy is coordinated by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, together with municipal governments.
Compulsory education (leerplicht) in the Netherlands starts at the age of five, although in practice, most schools accept children from the age of four. From the age of sixteen there is a partial compulsory education (partiële leerplicht), meaning a pupil must attend some form of education for at least two days a week [1]. There is no more compulsory education for pupils age eighteen and up.
There are public, special (religious), and private schools. The first two are government-financed and officially free of charge, yet many schools ask for a parental contribution.
Public schools are controlled by local governments. Special schools are controlled by a school board. Special schools are typically based on a particular religion. There are government financed Catholic and Protestant elementary schools, high schools, and universities, furthermore there are government financed Jewish and Muslim elementary schools and high schools. In principle a special school can refuse the admission of a pupil if the parents indicate disagreement with the school's educational philosophy. This is an uncommon occurrence. Practically there is little difference between special schools and public schools, except in traditionally religious areas like Zeeland and the Veluwe (around Apeldoorn). Private schools do not receive financial support from the government.
There is also a considerable number of publicly financed schools which are based on a particular educational philosophy, for instance the Montessori Method, Pestalozzi Plan, Dalton Plan or Jena Plan. Most of these are public schools, but some special schools also base themselves on any of these educational philosophies.
In elementary and high schools the students are assessed annually by a team of teachers, who determine whether the pupil has advanced enough to move on to the next grade. If the pupil has not advanced enough he or she may have to retake the year (blijven zitten, English: stay seated); this is an uncommon occurrence. Highly intelligent children are sometimes granted the opportunity to skip an entire year, yet this happens very rarely and usually in elementary schools.
All school types (public, special and private) are under the jurisdiction of a government body called Onderwijsinspectie (Education Inspection) and can be forced to make changes in educational policy or risk closure.
Between the ages of four to twelve, children attend basisschool (elementary school; literally, "basis school"). This school has eight grades, called groep 1 (group 1) through groep 8. School attendance is compulsory from group 2 (at age five), but almost all children commence school at four (in group 1). Groups 1 and 2 used to be called kleuterschool (nursery), and many people still refer to these groups as such. From group 3 on, children will learn how to read, write and do math. In group 7 and 8 many schools start with teaching English to their students. In group 8 the vast majority of schools administer the Citotoets (Cito test, developed by the Centraal instituut voor toetsontwikkeling[2]) to recommend what type of secondary education should be followed. In recent years this test has gained authority, but the opinion of the group 8 teacher has remained the most crucial factor in this recommendation.

死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:45:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

Voortgezet Onderwijs

After attending elementary education, children aged 12 years old attend voortgezet onderwijs (high school; literally "continued education"). Depending on the advice of the elementary school and the score of the Cito test, pupils are assigned to either vmbo, havo, vwo or Gymnasium.

The first year of all levels is referred to as the brugklas (literally, "bridge class"), as it connects the elementary school system to the secondary education system. During this year, pupils will gradually learn to cope with differences such as no longer spending all day in the same classroom, and dealing with an increased personal responsibility.

When it is not clear which type of secondary education best suits a pupil, there is an orientational first year for both vmbo/havo and havo/vwo to determine this. In addition, there is an orientational second year for havo/vwo when still in doubt.

Furthermore it is possible for pupils who have attained the vmbo diploma to attend two years of havo-level education and sit the HAVO-exam, and for pupils with a havo-diploma to attend two years of vwo-level education and then sit the VWO exam.


The vmbo (voorbereidend middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, literally, "preparatory middle-level vocational education") education lasts four years, from the age of twelve to sixteen. It combines vocational training with theoretical education in languages, mathematics, history, arts and sciences. Sixty percent of students nationally are enrolled in vmbo. Vmbo itself has four different levels, in each a different mix of practical vocational training and theoretical education is combined.

·                     Theoretische leerweg (literally, "theoretical learning path") is the most theoretical of the four, it prepares for middle management and vocational training in the mbo-level of tertiary education and it is needed to enter havo.

·                     Gemengde leerweg (literally, "mixed learning path") is in between the Theoretische- and Kaderberoepsgerichte Leerwegen.

·                   Kaderberoepsgerichte Leerweg (literally, "middle management-oriented learning path") teaches theoretical education and vocational training equally. It prepares for middle management and vocational training in the mbo-level of tertiary education.

·         Basisberoepsgerichte Leerweg (literally, "basic profession-oriented learning path") emphasizes vocational training and prepares for the vocational training in the mbo-level of tertiary education.

·         Praktijkonderwijs (literally, "practical education") consists out of mainly vocational training. It is meant for pupils who would otherwise not obtain their vmbo-diplomas. After obtaining this diploma pupils can enter the job market without further training.

For all of these levels there is Leerweg Ondersteunend Onderwijs (literally, "learning path supporting education"), which is intended for pupils with educational or behavioural problems. These pupils are taught in small classes by specialized teachers.
死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:46:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?


The havo (hoger algemeen voortgezet onderwijs, literally, "higher general continued education") has five grades and is attended from age twelve to seventeen. A havo diploma provides access to the HBO-level (polytechnic) of tertiary education.

The first three years together are called the Basisvorming (literally, "basis forming"). All pupils follow the same subjects: languages, mathematics, history, arts and sciences. In the third year pupils must choose one of four profiles. A profile is a set of different subjects that will make up for the largest part of the pupil's timetable in the fourth and fifth year, that are together called the Tweede Fase (literally, "second phase"). A profile specializes the pupil in an area, and some hbo and wo studies therefore require a specific profile. Students must also choose one to three additional subjects. Furthermore, Dutch and English, as well as some minor subjects, are compulsory. In all profiles mathematics is compulsory, but the level of difficulty differs for each profile. Pupils still have some free space, which is not taken by compulsory and profile subjects: here they can pick two subjects from other profiles. Sometimes pupils choose more than two subjects, this can result in multiple profiles.

These are the profiles:

·         Cultuur en Maatschappij (literally, "culture and society") emphasizes on history, arts and foreign languages (French, German and less frequently Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Turkish). In the province of Friesland Frisian is also taught. The mathematics classes focus on statistics and stochastics. This profile prepares for artistic and cultural training at the hbo.

·         Economie en Maatschappij (literally, "economy and society") emphasizes on social sciences, economy, and history. The mathematics classes focus on statistics and stochastics. This profile prepares for social science and economy training at the HBO.

·         Natuur en Gezondheid (literally, "nature and health") emphasizes on biology and natural sciences. The mathematics classes focus on algebra and geometry. This profile is necessary to attend medical training at the HBO.

·         Natuur en Techniek (literally, "nature and technology") emphasizes on natural sciences. The mathematics classes focus on algebra and geometry. This profile is necessary to attend technological and natural science training at the HBO.
死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:46:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?


The vwo (voorbereidend wetenschappelijk onderwijs, literally, "preparatory scientific education") has six grades and is attended from age twelve to eighteen. A vwo diploma provides access to wo training, although universities may set their own admittance criteria (e.g. based on profile or on certain subjects). Another term for this route of education is Atheneum.

It shares the profiles system described above with the HAVO route. The distinctions that can be made are that the difficulty level is significantly higher, and that the Tweede Fase lasts three years in stead of two.

Vwo-plus, which is also known as Atheneum-plus, Vwo+ or Lyceum, offers the Latin language during the Basisvorming. By the end of the third year, most pupils decide to discontinue studying Latin and receive a certificate. Few others continue and take their examination in the sixth year.


A Gymnasium programme is similar to the vwo, except that Latin and Greek are typically compulsory until the third year. Not all schools teach the ancient languages throughout the entire Basisvorming. Latin may start in either the first or the second year, while Greek may start in second or third. At the end of the third year, a pupil may decide to take either or both languages in the Tweede Fase, where the education in ancient languages is combined with education in ancient culture. The subject that they choose, although technically compulsory, is subtracted from their free space.


Vavo (voortgezet algemeen volwassenen Onderwijs, literally, "prolonged general adult education") is vmbo, havo or vwo taught for adults.
死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:47:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?



Mbo (middelbaar beroepsonderwijs, literally, "middle-level vocational education") is oriented towards vocational training. Many pupils with a vmbo-diploma attend mbo. Mbo lasts three to four years. After mbo, pupils can enroll in hbo or enter the job market.


With an mbo, havo or vwo diploma, pupils can enroll in hbo (Hoger Beroeps Onderwijs, literally "higher professional education"). It is oriented towards higher learning and professional training, which takes four to six years. The teaching in the hbo is standardized as a result of the Bologna process. After obtaining enough credits (ECTS) pupils will receive a 4 years Bachelor's degree. They can choose to study longer and obtain a Master's degree in 2 years.


With a vwo-diploma or a propedeuse in hbo, pupils can enroll in wo (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, literally "scientific education"). Wo is only taught at a university. It is oriented towards higher learning in the arts or sciences. The teaching in the wo, too, is standardized due to the Bologna process. After obtaining enough credits (ECTS) pupils will receive a 3 years Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree. They can choose to study longer in order to obtain a Master's degree of different fields including Master of Arts, Sciences, Philosophy, and so on. A theoretical Master requires one year, while practical (e.g. medical) and research Masters require two or three years.
死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:48:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?

History of education

Compulsory education for children was implemented in the Netherlands in 1901. The main purpose of the law was to counter child labour, the first moves for which are credited to legislator Samuel van Houten, whose kinderwetje (literally, "children's little law") of 1874 made child labour under the age of 12 illegal.

The original law of 1900 only affected children aged 6 to 12, but in 1969 the law was expanded to 9 years of compulsory education, and in 1975 it became 10 years.

Before 1968 the system was different and consisted of:

·         Kleuterschool - kindergarten

·         Lagere school - primary education, followed by

·         Ambachtschool (vocational training) or ULO/MULO (extended primary education) - now VMBO, see above

·         MTS/HTS - middle and higher level vocational/technical training, similar to a polytechnic college

·         HBS (Hogere Burger School - mixed), MMS (Middelbare MeisjesSchool - girls only) or Gymnasium - secondary education - now HAVO etc

·         University - only after completing HBS/MMS/Gymnasium/HTS

This was all changed that year with the Wet op het Voortgezet Onderwijs (literally, law on secondary education), better known as the Mammoetwet (literally, "mammoth law"). This law passed in 1963 at the initiative of legislator Jo Cals and created a system on which the current one is based. The Mammoetwet introduced four streams (LTS/VBO, MAVO, HAVO and VWO), of which LBO and MAVO were fused into VMBO in 1999.

The Mammoetwet was reformed significantly in the late 1990s. Basisvorming standardized subjects for the first three years of secondary education and introduced two new compulsory subjects (technical skills and care skills). The remainder of secondary school training was reformed with the Tweede Fase, which gave rise to the HAVO and VWO profiles described above; specific aims of this reform were also the introduction of information management skills and integration between different subjects.
死活水  海贼王  2007-6-23 12:48:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 什么是MBO4,HAVO,VWO?


In The Netherlands, grades from 1.0 up to 10.0 are used, with 1 being worst and 10 being best. Generally one decimal place is used and a +/− means a quarter, rounded to either 0.8 or 0.3. Thus, a 6.75 could be written as 7− and count as an 6.8, whereas a 7+ would be a 7.25 and count as an 7.3.

The grade scale with the labels:

·         10 (excellent)

·         9 (very good)

·         8 (good)

·         7 (more than sufficient)

·         6 (sufficient)

·         5 (insufficient)

·         4 (strongly insufficient)

·         3 (very strongly insufficient)

·         2 (bad)

·         1 (very bad)

Depending on the grade, several honors are available: total average of grades 8 with no grade under 7 and finishing in time: cum laude. For an average better than 7, but not meeting the criteria for cum laude, met genoegen (with pleasure), is sometimes awarded. This honor system is typically only used at universities.

Usually 5.5 and up constitute a pass whereas 5.4 and below constitute a fail. If no decimal places are used, 6 and up is a pass and 5 and below a fail. Sometimes, when no decimal place is used, an additional grade, 6−, is used as "barely passed". This is what would have been a 5.5 if a decimal place were used.
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