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原来是这样啊  高级海盗  2007-4-25 18:52:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Barclays and ABN anounced the merge deal


julian25  四海霸王  2007-4-26 08:26:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Barclays and ABN anounced the merge deal

Post by ppp_ooo;2154810
Regarding to the RBS's records, it never failed any M&A case. Let us wait for tomorrow shareholder's meeting.

Personally, i think RBS will make this deal.

RBS only offers 3bn in cash and the rest in shares, but leaves 47bn cash to be collected by Santander & Fortis,  which makes these 2 banks in the consortium to urgently sell some of their non-core business in order to fufil the entry of the deal.

Comparing to RBS's previours acquasitions, it never managed a deal in this size.  The consensus of ABN's main shareholders takes pretty much important influence on whether they want a one-shot earning on a cash-driven deal or intend to  have a long-term potential gain from Barclays-ABM's share deal.  Withdrawing a huge amount of cash from stock market and needing to find an alternative stocks to invest involves an enormous cost for those pension funds, even they could imediately earn better from RBS than Barclays.

therefore, there is no answer currently for the story. it only depends on what is the best strategic solution in long-term perspective for ABN's management and Main shareholders.
julian25  四海霸王  2007-4-26 08:34:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: Barclays and ABN anounced the merge deal

Post by 原来是这样啊;2154897


working as a junior financial analyst, we need to practise a little on how to comment those pop-up news. haven't you noticed that i normally cite one sentence from other news but give all my own concerns in the short writting.
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