Post by ffl2004;2035817
you can ask the SA: why this guy will say sorry if he did not do anything wrong? Is that a Dutch way? My parents teach me not to lie and also never admit when actually you never made mistake
楼主很小吧 学校不光是学习文化知识的地方 也是学习manner的地方 少把那套儒雅带到这个野蛮的国家(海盗起家) 都欺负到你头上了还管什么上课 上去给他一巴掌 然后说Have some self-respect! This is a classroom, people are studying here. 别动不动就找老师,那是小学生的做法。我保证如果你继续忍气吞声,这种事情还会接二连三的发生 到时候你更难。如果你英语真的不好 那就多练练 免的给中国人丢脸