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Simon000  初上贼船  2022-2-21 01:25:23 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门
折翼 发表于 2022-02-20 15:03
拿永居和入籍其实是两个概念 只是有很多共同申请条件。永居:待满5年 学生时间折半计算 一年合同 税前1200。然后讲入籍:申请时持非临时性居留 待满5年(注意:要非临时性居留性质的5年 所以学生性质的时间不计算在内)然后再加上其他条件,如融入考等。举个例子:假如你现在本科,还有硕士博士一共6年学生时代。那你毕业后工作了2年,那你现在可以申请永居(申请永居学生时间折半计算 6/2+2=5)然后永居下来之后 再工作三年(注意:申请入籍学生时间不包括 2+3=5)可以入籍。总结:8年后拿永居,11年后入籍。如果再加上search year找工作时间会拖得更久 希望能对你有帮助

折翼  见习海盗  2022-2-21 01:59:26 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Simon000 发表于 2022-02-21 01:25

计算时间是按照你在荷兰 有连续五年登记荷兰地址才算的 工签应该是非临时性居留 可以计算 拿入籍不用等拿永居后五年 就是你申请入籍的时候在荷兰地址地址不能断 然后持非临时性居留五年 你可以去IND官网看看 都有写的
orangeskin  高级海盗  2022-2-21 13:38:39 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
grimm1990  初上贼船  2022-2-21 16:51:03 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
折翼 发表于 2022-02-20 15:03
拿永居和入籍其实是两个概念 只是有很多共同申请条件。永居:待满5年 学生时间折半计算 一年合同 税前1200。然后讲入籍:申请时持非临时性居留 待满5年(注意:要非临时性居留性质的5年 所以学生性质的时间不计算在内)然后再加上其他条件,如融入考等。举个例子:假如你现在本科,还有硕士博士一共6年学生时代。那你毕业后工作了2年,那你现在可以申请永居(申请永居学生时间折半计算 6/2+2=5)然后永居下来之后 再工作三年(注意:申请入籍学生时间不包括 2+3=5)可以入籍。总结:8年后拿永居,11年后入籍。如果再加上search year找工作时间会拖得更久 希望能对你有帮助

Conditions for naturalisation
The following conditions apply to naturalisation:

You must be 18 years or older.
You can prove your identity and nationality with valid documents.
You have lived in the Kingdom of the Netherlands for at least 5 consecutive years with a valid residence permit. You have always extended your residence permit on time. In some cases you can apply for naturalisation earlier. Find out about exceptions to the 5-year term.
At the time of your application for naturalisation, you have one of the following residence permits:
an asylum permanent residence permit or regular permanent residence permit;
a residence permit as a long-term EU resident;
a temporary residence permit with a non-temporary purpose of stay. Find out which purposes of stay are non-temporary for becoming a Dutch national;
a resident permit as a family member of an EU national (except stay with minor Dutch child, ruling Chavez-Vilchez);
you have residence pursuant to EU law because you have the nationality of an EU or EEA country or Switzerland. You do not need to have a residence permit; or
a residence document Article 50 TEU Withdrawal Agreement (Terugtrekkingsakkoord) for UK nationals and their family members.
On the date of the naturalisation ceremony, you have a valid residence permit or you still have a valid right of residence under EU law. The naturalisation ceremony is an opportunity for you and the municipality to jointly celebrate that you have obtained Dutch nationality.
You have passed the civic integration exam or you have been exempted from the civic integration exam, on the grounds that you can already read, write, speak and understand Dutch to a sufficient level. Find out more about the civic integration exam as a condition for naturalisation.
You are not a danger to the public order or national security of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
You must renounce your current nationality. There are exemptions to this rule. Find out if you are required to renounce your nationality and what that means for you before you request naturalisation.
You must be willing to make the declaration of solidarity during the naturalisation ceremony. By making the declaration of solidarity, you agree that the laws of the Kingdom of the Netherlands also apply to you.

narumianna  四海霸王  2022-2-21 17:07:00 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Simon000 发表于 2022-02-18 18:52

narumianna  四海霸王  2022-2-21 17:14:18 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
神学可以继续读,荷兰也有神学院(例如我RUG有)。鲁汶声誉很好,申硕专业对口不难。想要换专业的话可以考虑读个目标专业的pre-master(如果有的话)。至于申博,读研究型硕士(research master)比较有优势,但是能不能申到也还是很看运气。人文学科资金少,难度的确是要大一些。如果申到了聘用制的博士,基本上到博士最后一两年就可以入籍了。提前先考好融入考试,时间稍微卡一卡是没问题的。还有什么问题可以私信问。
jimey  初上贼船  2022-2-21 18:55:14 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
winnieyyz  初上贼船  2022-2-21 20:14:13 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
jimey 发表于 2022-02-21 18:55

Simon000  初上贼船  2022-2-22 07:13:28 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门
narumianna 发表于 2022-02-21 17:07

Simon000  初上贼船  2022-2-22 07:39:34 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国澳门
orangeskin 发表于 2022-02-21 13:38

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