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本帖最后由 turningred 于 2015-7-27 16:42 编辑

各位橙子好,我是一个master在读的学生,身在UvA。现在急需五位 participants 来帮我们的一个用户界面做一个可用性测试。寻找的人是有经验的 懂点荷兰语的 人文专业的学者(最好是phd student,泰斗级别的我也怕太耽误人家时间...),最主要的是“Digital Humanitie” 已经融入了这些学者们的工作流里(他们使用各种各样的语料库, 检索、分析, 来得到研究结论 -- 这里强调对语料库的依赖噢)。

我的论文是跟着导师的大题目做的,具体就是设计一个用户界面,通过展示一些数据分析 让那些使用在线文献平台的人文学者们能(尽可能)预估检索质量。按说我不应该跑到这来发这种东西,但是我已经找了很久了(已经延迟毕业),只得到了一位合适的参加者, 真的是有点“走投无路”的感觉。况且 目标用户群挺小的 我一直心想 “这要是在中国 50个都找到了....”,但是当然了我非常理解为什么多数邀请邮件石沉大海,大家的时间都非常宝贵而我这个也并不是什么很了不起的研究...还有我认识的人真的不多...

所以所以, 请求同胞帮我看看身边有没有“符合要求”的朋友... 可否帮我转发下面的介绍给您认识的朋友,如果他们不感兴趣 当然完全不强求啊,起码他们不会直接"标为已读"..... T_T
补充一下哦,给测试预留的时间是: 当下 到8月21日之前,当然还是越早做越好。。。

(Invitation letter)

Dear Humanities researcher,

This is Xiaoli Li, a master student of Information Study in University of Amsterdam, and a trainee of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI). I’m writing for asking if you could participant in an usability test and a short interview for an interface design project (time: your preferable time slot from today to 21 August).

There is a brief introduction of the project and the usability test.

In Netherlands, all old Dutch newspapers have been digitalized (can be accessed on Delpher.nl) and part of newspaper pages were OCRed, which means that the text on images were transformed into searchable text. However the quality of the OCRed text is bad because the state-of-the-art OCR technology cannot deal with historical materials satisfactorily (i.e. the "s-f" confusion). The OCR errors can influence the conclusion of many Humanities research tasks, and that is one of reasons that the Digital Humanities is not as useful as scientists and Humanities researchers expect during years.

The Project:
Our research is about designing an user interface helping users estimate the OCR impact on the retrival of first mention of a concept in such digital archive. Now we have made a mock-up interfaces (a  webpage) and are trying to test it with real users. Besides, we hope to gain insight from professional Humanities researchers' opinions related to different aspects of the OCR issues.

The Test
The test will last 40 to 50 minutes. During the test there will be one test executant and one participant (the Humanities researcher). The participant will be given simulated tasks; after fulfilling the tasks, they will be asked a list of question regarding to the tasks; besides, there are several open questions about OCR issues.

The evaluation will take place at somewhere the Humanities researcher’s feel comfortable to work (usually it is participant's workplace). The participant does not need to prepare any facilities or materials for the evaluation and interview.

Your participation will be of great help.. If you are interested, have something to say about the OCR issue, and have time from 29th July to 21 August, please contact: Xiaoli Li (x.li@cwi.nl)
Thank you for your time, hope to have your participation!

Best wishes,
Xiaoli Li
0624 338501

谢谢各位 (请管理员不要删哦...... 或者过几天再删。。)


turningred  见习海盗  2015-7-27 16:50:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
以防误解, 延毕不光是因为找不到测试者啦,而是前期有些卡壳,耽误了时间,然后做完demo就是放假期间了 .
提前感谢各位的帮助 :D
turningred  见习海盗  2015-8-4 11:10:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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