总是有很多同学问UM的diploma要不要公证,什么时候寄过去,其实这个在学校给的Maastricht University Registration 邮件里已经说得很清楚了,现在我总结一下。
只要开学前Submit a certified copy of your diploma,就可以了,寄过去,或带过去都行
以下是关于certified copy 的官方说法:
A ‘certified’ copy is a copy of the original document made by a person or institution authorised to do so (e.g. a notary, a city council, or your
secondary school or university) . This person stamps and signs the copy to indicate it is a true copy of the original. Without an
original stamp and signature, the Admission and Registration Office will not be able to process your document.即diploma公证,或由学校盖章都可以,只要有带星的大红章,就表明有效!另外注意一点,复印件必须要加盖章才有效!复印的章无效!所以复印件一定记住要盖章!
Alternatively, you can submit these in person at the information desk of the SSC at Bonnefantenstraat
You can also have your certified copy made here; just be sure to bring your original diploma with you.
这是说你也可以选择自带原件过来,UM会帮你make certified copy.
这样看留学手续的最后一步是不是既轻松又简单!UM SSC万岁!