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1.     找个好驾校!大牌子的也许不错brookhuis,大驾校的跟CBR的熟,当我说是不是需要弄一个模拟考的时候,我们驾校的秘书表示很茫然,好像从来没有想过这个事,然后我教练果断说,不需要。当然,这也不是说你就100%过的了。
2.     建议大家在学车的时候把每天学习的重点记录下来,一方面可以帮助记忆,另一方面也是算一下课时对不对,你懂的。
3.     有别的开车条件的人,尽量还是多开开车,这个路考完全是一种熟能生巧的过程。尤其的上高速的时候的感觉。

Drive practices tips

1. Firstgear to start the car, always a little bit gas, then put the clutch, making thegear in connection.
2. Changeto 2,3 gear, leave the clutch and press the gas at same time.
Don't putthe leg down until up to 3rd gear.

3. Tostop the car, first break, then the clutch.(because you go to directly 1 gear.)Then first gear.

4. 50km/hfor city, 30km/h for neighborhood, 80km/h between the cities.

5. Turnon the turning signal for the round table.

Day 3
Startfrom a slope.
Gear 1,clutch, hold on, gas.

Low speedin neighborhood 30km/h. Check the intersections.

Keep upthe line. Follow the traffic line. Start up quickly.

day 4
On theroundabouts, turn the signal to right if you want to go out at the first exit,

3different ways to turn around the car:
a.3points; right to the end, go ahead to the edge, turn back to right, reverse tothe end, turn to left.
Check thecars from back, mirror and blind area, and front.

Check theright way of the intersections!! Slow down

day 5
a.Reverse: park first next to a car, reverse till the black line hit the end ofthe car, then check from the rear mirror and shoulder, then turn to maximumright; reverse till the right mirror at the same level of the end of the car,turn back gently until straight.
B.Forward : park next to a car, go forward until the middle of the mirror is atthe same position as the front of the car, then turn right, before hit thekurb, turn left until straight.
C.Vertival : park next to a car, go reverse until the mirror is at the same levelas the first line after the car, (if the place is small, one can turn earlier)then turn slowly to the max right, look at the right mirror until the rightveal is crossing the line, then turn back to straight.

day 6
1. Reviewthe parallel parking. At the roundabouts, signal right or left before. Enter tothe roundabouts with gear 2, or even 1,then exit by signaling right.
2. Whenthere is traffic light, don't care about the shark teeth.

Changethe lane, before the red lights.
Go to thetrunk road, accelerate on the accelerate lane, signal left.

Acceleratefaster from the red lights.

Day 724/3, 1 h
Autoway,trunk way. Accelerate lane,80km/h.

Day 8,26/3
-Intersections. In 30km/h zone. I should always check the right, slow down.20km/h in average.
-Roundabouts, slowly, gear 2. Check the bike when turning, before turn to theexit, signal.

Day 9,27/3
Feelbetter the start manoeuvre.
Check:rear mirror, left/right mirror blind spot over shoulder.
Acceleration:once we enter the lane, try to speed up to 100km/h. Then check left, signal,turn. Shouldn't be faster than the car before me.
Deceleration:go to the right lane,  signal 300m before, enter the lane, release thegas, reduce the speed.

Day 11-13
Intersectionwithout traffic lights.
1. 在路中间有鲨鱼齿的十字路,可以分两次过。
2. 路中间没有鲨鱼齿的十字,不能停车,即使是左拐。更不能停在左边w
3. 中间没有鲨鱼齿, T字路,可以左拐一点再停靠。
注意: 是否有左拐的车。要让。

Day 14

然后再附上一个我自己做的路标图 (仅限Enschede 地区)。一定要要求你们教练带你走考试的路线,这对你考试很有帮助。你可以花很少的精力在认路上(考试全靠自己)。

最后,还是那句话,大家加油 good luck

Practical driving exam.pdf

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美女小编 + 10 + 2 很给力!

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