US Dollar Index (USD)
Delayed 30 minutes
The U.S. Dollar Index® is computed using a trade-weighted geometric average of six currencies. The six currencies and their trade weights are:
Euro57.6 %
Japan/yen13.6 %
UK/pound11.9 %
Canada/dollar 9.1 %
Sweden/krona4.2 %
Switzerland/franc3.6 %
These contract specifications are subject to change. Please consult the FINEX if you have any questions.
通过这个专栏想和大家一起学习更多;更深的知识, 也希望战友们看问题更加深入, 不要看表面话的东西! (因为很容易涉及到政治, 所以请大家体谅, 很多话我不想说! 呵呵) |