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本帖最后由 刘大仙 于 2014-6-9 12:31 编辑

Are you below 30 years old, female, have a higher education and love having a good time?

We are Kinks and offer personal matching services for successful men who are looking for a steady girlfriend. Our clients are executive officers and owners of successful businesses with a minimum income of 85.000 euro per year.

If you are interested we will provide you with a take-in interview.
Once accepted in our directory we will find a suitable candidate for you and introduce you per email. It's up to the both of each other if you would like to be introduced in person.
There are no obligations when you sign up with us.

Our requirements are that you speak decent English, have a higher (polytechnic or university) education and feel comfortable between people who are working in executive circles.
If you are interested please send some information about yourself and a picture to  


刘大仙  初上贼船  2014-6-10 10:58:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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