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267145246@qq.co  初上贼船  2014-6-5 20:55:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
发送时间: 2014年6月1日(星期天) 凌晨5:24
收件人: "nszakelijk"<nszakelijk@ns.nl>;
主题: Complaints of repeat purchase requirements

Dear NS company,

      To send you the email, I wish to express my objection to repeat purchase requirements. I bought the day ticket from HEMA on 30-05-2014. It's the first time I buy a day ticket and all the information on it is in Dutch, so I don't know how to use it. On 31-05-2014 I went to station directly and plan to change the e-ticket with HEMA ticket. Then other passenger told me I need to active the ticket and helped me to active the ticket by my smart phone, then I downloaded the PDF ticket as follow. When the attendant checked my ticket, I show her the PDF ticket with the same information as the paper ticket. But she refused to check the information on the ticket, and prescribed me a ticket dismissal. I think that's unfair because the reason as follow:

1. I am a foreign traveler who can only read in English and Chinese, but neither HEMA and NS provide me the English or Chinese explain of the day ticket;
2. I have paid for the ticket and active it, also bring the PDF ticket and show it to te attendant. I am a law-abiding person, never try to fare evasion.
3. Last time I went Brussel by NS Hispeed, I saw the passenger use eticket on app and the attendant check the ticket by scan the dimensional code, so I think I can also use the eticket because you are all NS company.
4. By news, I learned that NS will no longer use paper tickets after next month. I appreciate NS' efforts made ​​to protect the environment.
5. I respect the rules established by NS, because I know it is used to punish cheaters and not harm honest people.
     So I wish NS withdraw the fare evasion allegations on me, and cancel the repeat purchase requirements. Since I always abide by the laws, I dare to resolve the dispute through the laws.

Sincerely regards
奶牛猫  海贼王  2014-6-5 22:05:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
kxmiao  高级海盗  2014-6-5 22:06:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
267145246@qq.co  初上贼船  2014-6-5 22:44:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
kxmiao 发表于 2014-6-5 22:06

kxmiao  高级海盗  2014-6-5 23:00:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
267145246@qq.co 发表于 2014-6-5 23:44
亲,我已经被无敌(chi)的NS吓尿了~不管他们讲不讲理先认栽把钱交上吧~可是全荷兰文,我上哪儿交呢? ...


vandaagmorgen  初上贼船  2014-6-6 12:48:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
267145246@qq.co 发表于 2014-6-5 22:44
亲,我已经被无敌(chi)的NS吓尿了~不管他们讲不讲理先认栽把钱交上吧~可是全荷兰文,我上哪儿交呢? ...

赶紧交钱, 否则还要涨。 交完钱, 你再申诉。 罚单上有账号, 通过银行转账。转账的时候别忘了填reference number。
春天里的虫子  中级海盗  2014-6-6 13:27:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰


267145246@qq.co  初上贼船  2014-6-6 17:20:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 英国
本帖最后由 267145246@qq.co 于 2014-6-6 17:22 编辑
春天里的虫子 发表于 2014-6-6 13:27

不过LZ不用揪着语言这种问题不放。这毕竟是荷兰,票据和罚单只有荷兰文很 ...

首先,我很喜欢荷兰。不仅仅是环境,更是荷兰的人。我遇到的大多数人都很友好和礼貌,乐于助人。其次我欣赏荷兰人的原则性,我确实是有错的,虽然不是有意的,但我赞成坚持原则是确保荷兰社会健康的基础。最后,我希望表示对NS的尊敬,这是一家在历史上做出过贡献的企业,在荷兰承担着重要的责任,我希望NS在服务方面能更全面、更国际化、更人性化,这应该也是大家都需要的。我不打算删掉我之前情绪化的语言,而是留下它们提醒自己要控制自己的情绪,客观、理性的去评价他人的做法。谢谢所有战友的支持与理解。Veel geluk!(谷歌翻译的,不知道对不~
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