本帖最后由 突然爱上蓝调 于 2014-5-15 15:02 编辑
Leg1on 发表于 2014-5-15 14:04
I assume that I graduate from school in 4 and half a year, because I got delayed a little bit, (so ...
Your resident permit is granted due to your sutdy in the country, once you are gratuated then you lost your legal right to live in the country regarless what date stating your ID card. The school normally will do a batch notice to IND informing all the foreign students that have gratuated in current school year.
Imburgeringen is the state Dutch exam for intergration. you have to ensure you have job offer that can transfer you into kennismigrant first, then try to get one more year contract + imburgeringen diploma for you citizenship application.