本帖最后由 Danielle~ 于 2014-5-13 16:56 编辑
For Mother
1、Loose sleeping coats (It would be better if it has buttons in front of your breast, so when breastfeeding you just open them instead opening all of the buttons) 宽松的睡衣(最好在乳房前面有前开扣,这样哺乳时就不用解开全部衣服扣了)
2、Underwear(The breastfeeding bra would be better. As it has buttons on the bra strap, when breastfeeding you just need to untie strap button of one side while the other side will hold still)
3、Disposablebreast pads (They prevent your clothes from wetting when your breast leaking milk.) 一次性防溢乳垫(避免喂一侧乳房时,另一侧滴奶而弄湿衣服)
4、Thickclothes and trousers (If you are afraid of wind,you can bring hat, mask, muffler,socks)
5、Two pairs of slippers (a pair of rubber slipper for takingbath and a pair of cotton slipper for keeping warm) 两双拖鞋(一双橡胶拖鞋用于洗澡,另一双棉拖用于保暖)
6、Hairshampoo, body wash and teeth brush andtooth paste(There was only hand wash in the bathroom in the Delft hospital, which I delivered. ) 洗发露、沐浴露和牙膏牙刷(在我生产的代尔夫特医院,卫生间只有洗手液,所以最好带上洗漱用品)
7、Sanitarytowels espacially for delivery woman (Although the hospital supplied them but for me they were not big enough and not comfortable. Thankfully, I brought the sanitary towels for delivery woman from China, which had different sizes and were closed-fit.) 产妇卫生巾(虽然医院里提供卫生巾,但不够大也不合身,所以最好从中国买产妇专用的)
8、Mobilephone 手机
9、Camara(The nurses would like to help you to take the photos, but they just choose some typical moments such as weighing baby, cutting the umbilical cord. Therefore, we lost some cherish moments. If you want to shoot more, you need other families to help. ) 照相机(护士会帮忙照相,但很多珍贵镜头还是错过了,所以有其他家人帮忙拍照更好) 10、Insurance card 保险卡
11、Thermometer(It used to take mum's temperature. After you go back home,your home nurse will take your temperature every day.) 体温计(回家后,产后护理的护士会每天给你和宝宝量体温,所以需要两个温度计)
12、Breastpump 吸奶器
13、Hotwater bag (Hot packing can release the pain of yourbreast and belly) 热水袋(用于热敷乳房和肚子,减轻疼痛)
14、Painkiller(The Paracetamol can reduce the pain of your wormand bottom which had no side effect to your breastmilk, so when breastfeeding you still can eat it. The hospital may give you some if you ask, but you probably will use it more after going back home.) 止痛药(这种被医生称为无副作用的可以在哺乳时吃的止痛药,医院会送几片,但回家后可能还需要)
15、Nipplecream (The Bepanthen can cure your hurt nipples and you need not clean it before feeding the baby. The baby can eat it.) 乳头膏(可以帮助恢复破裂的乳头)
16、Nippleplaster (It may give you soft and cool feeling when you paste it on your hurt nipples, and if you keep it in the fridge it will be more cool. My nipples were hurt severly in the first month after I delivered because my baby's sucking, so I applied the nipple cream first then pasted nipple plaster) 乳头贴
17、Bellybonds (They could help mum keep fit. I bought two different types from China. The pink one was the simple and easy typethat you just need to paste it up.While the white one was a very long cotton bond and you had to bind one by one circle around your belly,which needed more time and energy. However, it was more breathable and tight. For me, I regretly gave up using them as I was too tiredand painful to bind, so that my pelvis and waist got much bigger.) 绑腹带 (一种是简易绑腹带,只需粘贴上就行,也可当怀孕时的托福带;另一种是纯棉纱布型,需要自己或别人帮忙一圈圈绑,但更透气和舒适。)
18、Toiletcleaner (As new mums has pain in their bottom, thetoilet must be very clean. Besides, mums will use the toilet moreoften than before and lose a lot of blood, so using the cleaner toclean it every day is necessary.)
Notice: The height of the mum's bed should raised on at least 70 cm.(Because your homenurse do not need to bent so hard that get painful when taking careof you when you laying on your bed)
For Baby: 1、Babycar seat (Maxi-cosi) 宝宝汽车座椅
2、Babyclothes (The inside cloth has buttons onthe bottom, so mum could change diapers easily)
3、Babysocks 宝宝袜子
4、Babyhats (The hospital supplied the disposible baby hat, you still need clean ones) 宝宝帽子(医院会送一次性帽子,但最好自己带几个)
5、Bigclothes hanger (There would be many baby and your clothes after you delivered, so you need prepare at least one big clothes hanger)
6、Suitabledisposable nappies (I bought a packet of wrong size which was suitable for premature baby , and it was too small. So mums need to buy the proper size for your baby's weight.) 合适的纸尿裤
7、Wetpaper towel 宝宝湿纸巾
8、Diaperchanging table and a dustbin (Although some mums choseto change baby's diapers on bed, I still suggest to buy a simple diaper changing table. It is much higher than the bed and can hang some tool boxes on it, so mum easily find clean diapers and necessary tools. Besides, you can throw away the dirty diapers conveniently ifyou put a dustbin nearby. ) 换尿布台和垃圾桶(尿布台比较高,妈妈给宝宝换尿布时就不会总弯腰而腰疼,旁边放垃圾桶扔脏尿布等)
9、Airmattress with cotton cover (Put it on the diaper changing table so that baby may feel comfortable on them.) 充气垫和垫子套(放在尿布台上,宝宝躺得更舒服)
10、Nappyrash cream for baby 防宝宝红屁股药膏
11、Babyhair shampoo and body wash 宝宝洗澡洗发露
12、Babybody lotion (It is the basic one for baby's healthy skin. However, if the baby's skin is dry or has rash this will not be helpful.)
13、Babyoil (It is the natural oil which has no irritation tothe baby. Besides moisturizing baby's dry skin, it can soften thecradle cap of the baby so that mum can clean it easily.) 婴儿油(当宝宝有头痂时,用油抹在头上软化,再清洗)
14、Vaseline (It can moisturize the dry skin very soon, which was strongly recommended by my home nurse.) 凡士林(如果宝宝皮肤很干,用它很滋润)
15、Babybrush, baby comb and bath thermometer (The bath thermometer will be used in every bath for the baby. As for the babybrush, I just used it several times when cleaning my baby's cradlecap.) 宝宝洗澡用的刷子、梳子、温度计
16、Babybathtub and stand (You would better buy the bathtub which has outlet hole and pipe, because it is easy to release water after bath) 宝宝洗澡盆(最好买盆底有排水孔和排水管的澡盆)
17、Cottontowels (You need some large size for drying the babyand some small size for wash the baby) 纱布(大号纱布用于洗澡后擦干宝宝身上的水分,小号纱布就当作洗澡巾)
18、Babybed, bedmattress and mattress covers 宝宝的床、床垫和床垫罩
19、Bedsheetsand blankets (You can buy both the cotton blanket and wool one, because the cotton one is more breathable and the wool one is more warm) 床单和毯子(新生儿还不能盖羽绒被,所以得买棉毯和羊毛毯)
20、Hotwater bottle with cotton cover (This is the necessary thing for baby as newborn babies can not regulate their own temperature. Its function is as same as the hot water bag which adults usually use, but the home nurse thought only the hot water bottle cap can be tightened so that the baby will not be scalded.)
22、Milkbottles, bottle nipples and milk bottlebrush (If you breastfeed, you still needs just in case)
23、Formalmilk powder for 0~6 months baby (If you breastfeed, you still needs just in case)
24、VitaminK and Vitamin D for baby
25、Babyspoons (When adding Vitamin for baby, mum need the babyspoon.) 宝宝用的小勺(给宝宝喂维他命剂时要用到)
26、Babymedcine curing fever (Most babies may get fever whenthey get vaccinated, so mum should push one medicine into baby's anus if his tempreture is above 38 degree Celsuis. Baby will push the medcine out in the begining, while mum should push back more hardly and do not worry about hurting the baby. The medcine can be absorbtotally by baby's body, so mum do not need to pull it out.) 宝宝用的退烧止痛药(这种是在宝宝发烧38度以上时从其肛门里推进去的药,效果不错)
27、Thermometer(In order to take baby's temperature) 体温计 28、Abottle of 70% alcohol (Using cotton to dip this alcohol to clean the thermometer after taking baby's temerature from anus.) 70%度的酒精(用于消毒)
29、Onepacket of cotton wool
30、Babynail cutters
31、Cottonsticks (Use it to clean baby's ears and nostrils) 棉签(用于清洁宝宝耳朵和鼻子)