LZ,我想请教一下,我申的EUR的commercial law,下面的Commercial and Company Law 和maritime and transport law都在studielink上面进行了申请。然后材料寄到之后,我发了封邮件给学院查询材料的寄送状态,之后有一封回复是:
This is to inform you that we received your application for the Erasmus Master Commercial Law, specialization Maritime and Transport Law, in good order. Your application will be reviewed and we will inform you about your admission as soon as possible.
我想知道,学校这是主动把我归类到maritime and transport law这一个方向了么?可我的首选是Commercial and Company Law 来着。。。还是说那个专业也会单独再发一封确认的邮件给我?