loveyan72489 发表于 2013-8-12 22:37
是的,看IND原文,我用红笔标注的,这一段说的是sponsor有责任通知IND,其中最后一句举的例子if the employment relationship changes说的就是通俗意义上的解雇阿,辞职阿,跳槽阿等。
What are the sponsor’s rights andobligations?
Thesponsor is given an independentposition inthe Aliens Act and maysubmit residency applications on behalf of the foreign national
hewants to bring to the Netherlands. In the case of recognised
sponsorsthe IND applies atarget deadline of 2 weeks to assess the
application.If the recognised sponsor also needs a work permit for
theforeign national, the target deadline is seven weeks. In addition,
theemployer (the sponsor) has to fulfil a number of legal obligations:
•The sponsor has a dutyto inform.Among other things, this meansthat the sponsor is obliged to report changes which are
elevantto the right of residence of the foreign national to the
IND(for example if the employment relationship changes).
•The sponsor also has an administration duty. Thismeans that thesponsor has to include certain relevant information about the
foreignnational (for example on income) in his administrative
records.Relevant details and documents must be saved for up to
5years after the sponsorship has ended.
•If the IND discovers a foreign national staying illegally in the Netherlandswithin a year after the sponsorship has ended, the
INDis allowed to recover certain repatriation costs from the formersponsor (transport costs in the Netherlands, the costs of traveldocuments and the airline ticket costs).
•Recognised sponsors must report all changes to the IND which arerelevant to the recognition (for example a change in a company’sfinancial position).