Married couples and unmarried couples living together (结婚或是同居)
含度假金: 1586,95 euro per month
不含度假金: 1469,40 euro per month
The above-mentioned amounts are gross amounts (税前收入). This is the amount stated in the contract of employment or the salary specification (payslip). On your payslip you can find this amount for example in the section SV-loon (Wage for social insurance purposes). SV-loon is sometimes also referred to as "loon SV" or ‘(bruto) loon SV (gross SV wages)’.
The income must be available for at least 12 months at the time of the application. (申请时该收入至少在接下来12个月中可以获得,换句话说,申请时需要保证你的合同有效期为一年)