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先简单介绍一下我的情况:      本人将于今年8月底飞赴荷兰学习,9月中旬要回国参加一项重要考试,考完后即刻飞回学校。而众所周知,入境荷兰的2-3个月后才能拿到ID随意出入。相信这个情况一般同学都不会遇到,所以论坛上相关的帖子不多。而为数不多的网上的答案里,有的说“仅有mvv没有ID的话,可以在申根国内活动,但不能飞离欧洲,否则无法再次进入荷兰境内”;有的说“需要提前申请一个return visa,方可安心回国”。答案众说纷纭,我也摸不着头脑,于是在上半年时,首先就这个问题询问了我们学校的小米,得到的回复是:“mvv是多次有效签证,只要在90天的有效期内,您便可以使用它多次入境”。






Dear XXX,

With reference to your request for information I hereby inform you as follows.

I understand from your e-mail that you are coming to the Netherlands to study. You indicate that you have to go back to China for a few days. You want to know if it is possible. As long as the MVV is valid you can travel for the first three months without a return visa in the Schengen area and you can also travel between China and the Netherlands during the validity of the MVV.

I hope to have informed you sufficiently. Kind Regards

上面蓝色部分说得非常清楚:在mvv有效期内,我们可以随意出入(in or out of Europe).

说到这里还没完:由于我和小米提到了这个特殊情况,小米说他在帮我申请mvv的时候会同时申请vvr(即ID),于是,在月末五月底时,我收到了学校发来的关于town hall registration的步骤清单,其中附上了IND对于vvr批准的回函,截图如下:


IND说得非常明确:“在VVR审批期间,该生可以合法在荷兰居留,即使他的mvv已过期。这封信便是证明。” 接下来关于“如果需要further proof 可以联系IND去贴张sticker”类的信息,对于mvv仍在有效期的同学们而言是不需要的。

结论:只要MVV在有效期,便可合法出入境。请携带这份IND发给你的confirmation letter,在海关入境时一并交付检查。

就写到这里吧。希望对大家有帮助。:) 荷兰,八月见!

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amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-16 18:53:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-16 19:03:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

This Dutch (Netherlands) residence permit is a sticker, placed in the passport, which is intended for non-EU nationals who wish to enter the Netherlands (Holland) for staying longer than 3 months with a purpose of study, work or living with a partner. It can be used only for a single entrance (in case of simple MVV) and can not be used for staying in other countries of Schengen area. A valid Dutch (Netherlands) MVV is a mandatory requirement for requesting a residence permit.

During application proceedings for MVV, foreigner has to stay outside the Netherlands (with certain exemptions). He may receive a work permit in the Dutch (Netherlands) embassy or consulate of his country within 6 months. Until the foreigner has not lodged documents to the embassy or consulate of the Netherlands (Holland), the factual application for MVV is not yet begun.

Dutch (Netherlands) MVV may be granted for a period up to 6 months. The application will be considered by the Dutch (Netherlands) IND and takes approximately from 3 to 6 months.

There are two types of Dutch (Netherlands) MVV visa:

  • Simple Dutch (Netherlands) MVV: with this visa it is not allowed to travel until a Dutch (Netherlands) residence permit is approved. If an applicant will leave the Netherlands (Holland) during the application procedure, he may not re-enter the Netherlands (Holland) with this visa;
  • Combined visa D+C: this visa gives a possibility to travel without any restrictions during the process of application for the Dutch (Netherlands) residence permit. That means that an applicant may travel in and out the Netherlands (Holland) and through Shengen countries during the first 3 months after visa was granted. After 3 months, if the procedure is still pending, an applicant will not be allowed to leave the country (with certain exemptions, such as emergency circumstances).
amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-16 19:05:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
注意上面我红笔标注的,只有Combined visa D+C性质的可以。
橙色的明空师太  初上贼船  2013-7-22 03:11:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
amy57j 发表于 2013-7-16 18:53

橙色的明空师太  初上贼船  2013-7-22 03:12:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国浙江杭州
amy57j 发表于 2013-7-16 19:05
注意上面我红笔标注的,只有Combined visa D+C性质的可以。

可我的mvv是D type的。。。给IND的信里表明了是学生签,他的回复也说可以一样自由出入啊~
amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-23 20:28:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
橙色的明空师太 发表于 2013-7-22 04:12
可我的mvv是D type的。。。给IND的信里表明了是学生签,他的回复也说可以一样自由出入啊~


D-Visa: Long stay / three to twelve months

D-Visa or MVV (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf) or "Provisional Residence Permit" is absolutely necessary in order to enter the Netherlands for a maximum period of one year (and minimum three months) after which you can renew it without leaving the country.

MVV D+C visa: Combined MVV & traveling visa

If you want to travel outside the Netherlands during the first three months and still be able to get a work permit, you must apply for an MVV D+C visa.

看上去只有D+C visa才可以travel。

amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-23 20:31:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
本帖最后由 amy57j 于 2013-7-23 21:32 编辑


A-Visa: Airport / transit permission

If you are planning on transiting in the Netherlands and continuing your trip to another country. You need an A-Visa in case you originate from Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Sri Lanka.

B-Visa: Travel through

You need to get a B-Visa if you are about to enter the Schengen area for a maximum period of five days in order to reach your final destination.

C-Visa: Short stay / three-month permission

C-Visa (Visum Kort Verblijf - VKV) or "Schengen visa" allows you to stay in the Netherlands for a maximum period of three months (within six months) for holidays, tourism, business etc.

However, please note that residence and work permit is not an option while, if you leave the Schengen area, you have to get a new visa. Finally, VKV may be valid only for specific countries.

To obtain a VKV, you must apply in person at the Dutch consulate or embassy in the country you legally reside. The application involves a standard Schengen form, official documents (for the exact list you should visit the website of the Dutch embassy in your country) and a standard fee (depends on your country).

It should be stressed that this fee is not refundable as well as that the whole procedure can take up to two months.

amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-23 20:44:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-23 20:45:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

Visa types:
  • A-Visa: Transit visa for airports.
    Residents from some countries require a transit visa when travelling through the Netherlands to another county. This type of visa does not give you the right to get into the country. You need this transit visa if you are a national from; Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Congo (Democratic Republic), Eritrea, Ehteopea, Ghana, Guinea, Irak, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Somalie, Sudan, Syria, Sri Lanka.
  • B-Visa: Travel through visa for a maximum of 5 days.
    This visa is intended for those whose final destination is not within the Schengen area, but are travelling through it. It gives you the right to enter for a maximum period of 5 days.
  • C-Visa: Short stay visa for a maximum of 3 months.
    This type of visa can be obtained for several purposes; holiday, tourism, business, friend/family visit or participation in congresses/sporting events. This visa is valid for a maximum stay of 3 months within a 6 month period. You cannot apply for a residency or work permit with this type of visa.
  • D-Visa: Permission for temporary stay longer than 3 months, MVV
    The MVV ( Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf) is a visa/permit for a period of 3 months to a maximum of 1 year, after which it can be renewed without leaving the country. You need to have an MVV if you want to apply for a residency or work permit. It is possible that you need to take an Immigration and Citizenship Exam (Inburgeringscursus) at the Dutch embassy in your home country before you leave for the Netherlands. You can check if you are required to do so on the IND website: www.ind.nl .

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