本帖最后由 lawrence32 于 2016-4-8 04:25 编辑
话说我十二月初收到了RSM的一封denial,原因是insufficient motivation和数学证明材料不足,于是我就义愤填膺地写了一封WHY RSM和把自己高中学过的数学内容和数学老师推荐信发了过去。于是在经过了一个漫长的圣诞+新年假期之后,终于收到了以下回信:
You have applied for admission to the International Business Administration programme 2013-2014, offered by the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and received a denial on 30 November 2012. However, you have provided us with additional information and your application has been re-evaluated. The IBA Selection Committee is pleased to inform you that you have been pre-selected for the IBA programme. In order to receive a ((un)conditional) offer you must fulfill the following condition(s):
The Mathematics Exam
The first math exam will take place on Wednesday 13 March. We will provide you with additional information on the registration and payment procedure as soon as possible. In order to help you prepare for the math exam we have attached information on the math topics to be tested. Please note that IBA candidates must obtain a minimum score of 7.0 (out of 10) in order to fulfill the mathematics requirements.
Gao Kao
You must obtain a sufficient Gao Kao score (500 or higher or 300 for applicants from the Jiangsu province; 420 for applicants from Shanghai province; 650 for applicants from Hainan province). Please send us your Gao Kao result as soon as this is available. Furthermore, please take into account that the deadline for the visa application is 21 June (further information will be provided in due course) and that only applicants with a conditonal or unconditional offer are eilgible for the visa application.
话说RSM今年的申请流程貌似变了,上年听说是先发conditional offer再考试,现在是先考试后发conditional offer |