A description of the relevant courses you have taken during your previous higher education
Please upload a course description (written in English). You can either copy this from the study guide or type 5-10 sentences for each course yourself.A list of all the main literature used during your previous higher education
Please upload a literature list. Name the relevant academic textbooks that were used during the relevant courses of your previous education.
Literature List应该就是课程介绍吧?这个比较简单,把你大学上的课程,除了思修那些外国人理解不了的,课程名称,学分,课时,用的教材,简短的介绍(一般4-5行)都写出来就可以了。thesis就是论文啦,肯定要翻译的。想当初我就是看到这个神奇的文件要求,立马决定放弃申请VU!顺便给你个小建议,课程的教材最好写国际上比较著名的。举个例子,微/宏观经济学,不要写什么高教的书,就写曼昆的。