我是海牙的预科新生 22号到Statenlaan的房间 之前已经交了1400€的费用 今天查信箱时发现多了封信
我第一次收到的信就是FINAL NOTICE这让我很不解 信是这样
I urgently advise you to transfer the total amount to DUwo within 5days after the date of this letter,our bank account is;.....,
by paying this you will prevent DUwo from sending your dossier to our bailiff's office.please note that balliff will aslo charge wih an adminstration fee.If you aslo dont pay the bailiff he will start a case in court.The consequences of this action can be that the reantal agreement will be set aside by court and you will be evicted.
让我总共付37€ Rent 12 Administration fee 25 这些费用都是怎么出来的呢。。。
还提及了法庭的问题。。好像很严重。。29号的信件 今天已经4号了 请有了解的大大给说下吧