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Title: Low Power Wireless Node Range Measurements and Localization
Place: NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven
Contact person:         Zoran Zivkovic, zoran.zivkovic@nxp.com, 040-2728608 and Wu Yan, y.w.wu@tue.nl  Tel: 040-2475742

Low-power wireless systems have recently gained popularity. Power consumption is decreasing with every new generation, both due to CMOS process scaling and due to innovation on both system level and circuit level. Such Low Power Radios (LPRs) can be used to set up a network consisting of many sensor nodes, for example, in building automation applications to measure climate conditions, light distribution, detect people to turn lights off and on etc. Such applications would benefit from a ranging capability, such that nodes can be localized and tracked more easily, and more accurate estimations of link quality can be made.

For the assignment at hand, the aim is for the student to build a system model to determine the key determining factors in low-power high accuracy range measurements between wireless nodes. Such a model would include high-level descriptions of several non-idealities, such as antenna, room reflections, and analog radio front-end. Also, design choices such as ranging waveforms and post-processing would be included in such a model and analyzed.            
Student profile:
-        basic signal processing knowledge
-        some experience with Matlab and (or) C

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