(not required for Member countries of the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein – Group I)
The employer (RuG) must apply for a work permit for its foreign employees. It makes no difference how long the employee will be working here. The application for a work permit is carried out by the Personnel Department.
As from 1st January 2002 the CWI (Centrum voor Werk en Inkomen or Job center) is applying stricter procedures for work permit requests especially regarding "the registration of vacancies". The CWI must be notified of all vacancies where the intention is that they be filled by someone from outside the EU. They will check their European vacancy database to see if they can find a more appropriate candidate (highly improbable!). They will also check to see if the vacancy has been suitably advertised (an advertisement on the internet is sufficient). Such a job advertisement takes approximately five weeks altogether, thus causing further delay in the application for a residence or work permit