我八月底去荷兰,是学校和鹿商的协议项目,鹿商帮我办的反签,前几天22号的时候我收到鹿商的邮件说“de aanvraag voor jouw visum is goedgekeurd. Je kunt nu naar de ambassade om daar zelf jouw MVV procedure op te starten.”就是我的签证的申请已经被approved了,叫我自己开始去大使馆/领馆开始办MVV的手续。我之前已经预约了上海的领馆办MVV,但是确认邮件里没提让我带什么材料,我之后发邮件问领馆,但是领馆回复却说“We have not received the positive advice from the IND. Please check again later and mention your name in pinyin, date of birth and gender.”然后我就有点@#¥%……&*请问有人知道我现在应该怎么办吗......我打算再和学校联系一下,然后和领馆那边要再做沟通吗?
还是要等大使馆说得到了positive advance才能去递签吧,大使馆给的邮件里有提到要准备的文件
Please prepare the following documents:
-MVV applicationform
-two coloured passport pictures
-original and copy passport and Chinese ID card
-copy hukou
Please be advised to check with the municipality or your university in the Netherlands if notarial legalised certificates (birth/marriage/hukou etc. )are needed.