今天刚收到IPS一个保险的email,给我发了一份guarentee card 的扫描件,邮件内容“In the meantime we received the money and we will send you the policy today. Hereby also a scan of your insurance policy”。 我比较疑惑的是,那个guarantee card 上显示的个人信息是我在中国的住址???还有就是这句we will send you today,难道要发到中国来啊???请有经验的大侠帮助解决下嘎!!感激不尽!!!话说到荷兰注册时需要一份保险的邮件或者是文件,不知具体指的什么,难道就是我收到的这个邮件里面附的guarantee card扫描件吗?
已解决,给IPS发了封邮件咨询了问题,他给重新发了一份扫描件,上面地址更新为荷兰地址“Hereby a new scan of your Insurance policy. The original will be sent to you by direct mail. Of course you can extend your insurance later on”