一个TUD当有偿实验“小白鼠”的机会:) 不过要求荷兰语,以及开车上下班的经验:
Do you travel from home to work or study by car, at least oneday a week, and are you able to read in Dutch? If yes, you are invited toparticipate in a travel simulator experiment at Computer room B, TPM Faculty,somewhere during the week starting 27th Feb. The experiment is part of an NWO-sponsored PhD-projectinto how commuters substitute between different commuting options and variousforms of ICT (travel information, teleworking). In the experiment, participants will be asked to makea number of choices in a virtual (hypothetical) travelenvironment. Afterwards, participants will be asked to fill out a briefsurvey. The entire experiment will take 1 hour maximum. Upon finishing the experiment, you will receive amonetary reward which will depend on the choices made during the experiment(the minimum reward equals €20, the maximum reward equals €35). Are you interested in participating into theexperiment? Then please send an email with your name and “doet graag mee.” inthe subject-box to: R.Lu@tudelft.nl (Zack Lu). Further detailswill then be communicated to you shortly. |