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p237803  四海霸王  2011-12-17 00:49:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
朱哥哥 发表于 2011-12-15 14:59
回复 Jeekoky 的帖子


p237803  四海霸王  2011-12-20 02:12:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

Choose an Agila Bi Fuel and reduce average operating costs.

Cut your fuel bill . With a price of 70 cents per liter of LPG is about half cheaper than gasoline or diesel. It is by far the cheapest fuel at the pump.

Bi Fuel  vehicles have lower operating costs and are economical to maintain.

LPG is less damaging to the engine, making the life of the engine longer.

The reduced wear and longer life is the residual value of your vehicle is higher.

Driving with a Bi fuel car

Bi Fuel is useful: Agial Bi Fuels have two separate fuel tanks, so your car has an LPG fuel can still ride whenever you want. Switching from gasoline to LPG done with a simple push of a button. The two tanks make for almost doubling the range compared to a conventional gasoline car. The performance of the engine barely reduced (1-3%) when driving on LPG.

Bi Fuel  means two-in-one : The engine is easy from petrol to LPG and vice versa is also possible. Starting is always on gasoline, making the car even in extreme cold conditions do not fail. From the moment the engine has reached its ideal temperature, it simply switches to LPG.

Same load capacity : The LPG tank is fitted in the recess for the spare wheel, increasing the load volume remains unchanged. Since LPG is a liquid, is just as filling with gasoline or diesel. When the tank is full, the pump automatically.


Bi Fuel  - less harmful to the environment : LPG contains no lead additives and few particulates and soot. The probability of ozone and smog formation is 80-90% lower. LPG also produces significantly less carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons and NOX emissions than gasoline and almost half of only one tenth of diesel engines. LPG produces 20% less CO2 emissions than gasoline and is by far the least polluting compared to other traditional fuels.

The Agila 1.0 Edition Bi Fuel is supplied with a factory-LPG.   You have a full tank for less than 20 euros.
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