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We are a group of 4 students from the ID master IPD: Mu Wang, Viki Pavlic, Joep Hiemstra & Marte Fekkes. Our problem: we’re working on a project with Asian people but it seems impossible to contact them, which is necessary to develop an appropriate product. We visited China Town, Chinese restaurants and sent out e-mails to Asian communities, but all to no avail. Would you please be so kind as to help us out by replying? Below is a description of the project and a questionnaire. It would be amazing if you would like to fill in this questionnaire, and even more if you have family, friends or acquintances older than 65 years old, who would be willing to fill out this questionnaire, or even grand us an interview (if they live in The Netherlands, of course).

The project:
In corporation with Thyssen-Krupp Access a new idea for the chairlift should be generated for the Asian market. The chairlift is still relatively unknown within Asia; therefore we are now doing research as to what is appropriate and would be accepted and enjoyed. The purpose of the questionnaire is to gather information on the problems Asian elderly face climbing and descending stairs, how they handle them now and what kind of support is necessary. It is therefore important that elderly fill in this questionnaire, but it is also interesting to see how their children (or other caretakers) would (like them to) address the matter.

The questionnaire:
If no elderly are available to fill in the questionnaire, please fill it in yourself. If enough time is available, give two answers: one about what you would like for your elder family member, one about what you think they would answer. In the attachments there is a PDF, or an excel sheet you can fill in digitally. Also, a PDF with translations to Chinese is provided.

With kind regards, and a deep thanks in advance!
Mu Wang, Viki Pavlic, Joep Hiemstra & Marte Fekkes

DCS Setup Questionnaire--for subjects.xls (540.5 KB, 下载次数: 241)


SuperDada  高级海盗  2011-10-26 09:01:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
contact: http://www.studiozi.nl/
the organization might be able to help you.
bsong  见习海盗  2011-10-26 14:18:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
回复 SuperDada 的帖子

Thank you for your advice.
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