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XRD Application Specialist (Location: Shanghai)
Position description:
Pre & Post sales application support of PANalytical’s X-ray Analytical Instruments. Development of new applications & customer solutions.  Customer trainings.
Candidate requirements:
PhD or Master Degree in Chemistry, Physics or Material Sciences; experience with analytical X-Ray instrumentation will be appreciated; Strong communication & interpersonal communication skills. Good command of English, both written and spoken; willing to take extensive travels.

XRF Application Specialist (Location: Shanghai)
Position description:
Pre & Post sales application support of PANalytical’s X-ray Analytical Instruments. Development of new applications & customer solutions.  Customer trainings.
Candidate requirements:
PhD or Master Degree in Chemistry, Physics or Material Sciences; experience with analytical X-Ray instrumentation will be appreciated; Strong communication & interpersonal communication skills. Good command of English, both written and spoken; willing to take extensive travels.

Please submit English and Chinese resumes with expected salary (before tax) and applied position to: E-mail address:  info.china@panalytical.com


orzhl  高级海盗  2011-10-19 17:42:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 新加坡
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