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2。 巧立名目克扣工钱:明明工作了10小时,却说只有8小时,----原因?“工作期间,你有2个小时的工修嘛!” “工间休息”是连中餐馆都有的!而且工作之前为啥不说明?
3。 和学生订的APPOINTMENT形同儿戏。EG:明明讲好了星期几在哪里碰面办工作许可,等你已经等的不耐烦了,打过去电话问,他说:要和你碰面的人今天没来上班,所以没法匐约!----MY GOD!白等!不过换过来,是你晚了点没到,你可惨了。
4。 办公人员从不固定。就拿ROTTERDAM的办公室来说,和学生的联络人从JONCE,到什么EMMY,到什么JENNY,换了一搽接一搽(不到两个月), 从前联络人许的诺当然无从兑现!我猜:倘若找到分好工作,联络人自己都先跳过去了。
5。 如果你被欠了工钱,淘工钱时,一定不要理直气壮。否则,你说不定遭解雇,工钱也别想全部拿回。“欠钱的是爷,要帐的是孙”这话在荷兰也行的通啊!
6。 总是电话催你去工作,却闭口不谈何时把上上周的工资给你接清的事。你要找他们经理谈,她多半会说:我就是经理!(算了罢,那我就是将军了!)


Dear Lady:

I do not want to mention how long the payment has been delayed, whether it is fair or not, even how many times your recruiteastudent could not hold the words, but your rebuke is a kind of humiliation against my morality. Since I can not endure a lady ,who never shows her credibility and kindness, on the contrary, chinding others lacking of these! In fact, I have met so many Dutch people, most of them impress me with their hospitality, Good manners, and reliability. Of course, someone is like you. However, fortunatedly, few of them is like you.
One of my friends has ever reminded me the "good" reputation of your agency, but I just doubted at that time. Now, I convinced. I promise to you that my lesson will be passed to every Chinese students,----maybe your agency will become more popular than now. Of course, I am still doubting the legality of the way you treat part-time workers. I will consult some Dutch institution in the coming weeks, hoping you need not be taken on the trial due to what you have done.

Finally, I would like to give a reasonable suggestion to you: your agency is not the only one existing on Netherland, thus be manners!

Hoping recruitastudent get a big earning!




wenqing  见习海盗  2005-2-19 19:48:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

James, I changed your letter as follow. I don't know if you have sent it or not. Hope you didn't.  When you write such letter, you have to tell them what happened rather than simply expressing your feeling. In west, people believe truth, then understand your feeling. Good Luck!

By the way, the meaning of some sentences in your letter is not clear, and some words are not popular. It will make the reader confused....

Dear Sir / Madam:

I hereby write this letter to tell you my experience when I was hired by your Rotterdam office. Everything has two sides - white and black. Unfortunatelly, I experienced the black side when I worked for you. As a service agent, you doesn't provide reliable service to students. First, students can't get salary on time, and the amount is often different from what you promised. Your staff always use some tricky ways to conceal the truth. Second, the contact person always changes. Your staff is often late or absent when applying working permission. Third, I never can get reach to the manager when I want to complain something that is unfair. It seems everyone here is boss.

Do you know that reliability and credibility are very important in the business world? As a agent, your main earning is commission. If you can not offer service to students as your promised, you will lfinally ose your profit, and it will make you difficult to survive in the market gradually.  I believe the power of media, so I will post my experience on internet. Every Chinese who stays in the Netherlands can read it and deliver my experience to their friends. You will lose reputation. Actually, you are losing it now.

Finally, I want to tell you that I will ally with other students to consult with local government office to get some assistance by law. As a foreign students, this is the best way to protect ourselves.  

James Li
rhythm  海贼王  2005-2-19 20:00:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

小天使猪猪  见习海盗  2005-3-20 13:58:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

真得很同情 。。能体验到当时的痛苦。。。!~
61分  ↗贵宾↗  2005-3-21 14:48:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

forbiddencity  见习海盗  2005-3-24 21:21:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

我说这事儿有完没有了~  唐僧也不过如此了
&毛球&  高级海盗  2005-4-3 23:17:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 致“黑心”工作中介RECRUITASTUDENT的一封信

你有完没完呀. 发一边被封贴又发一边.  你这么做RAS要告你还是中国人给你平下来的. 你自己也要替那些帮你求情的同学考虑考虑. 真没良心.
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