各位EUR的童鞋,大家的studielink有没有收到Take care of your tuition fees before 01-09-2011 的消息?今天我第一次把我的账号和密码从中介那里要了过来,登录了我的studielink,却赫然发现8.16号EUR发了个消息给我,说We haven't received your authorization for the payment of Tuition fees for the academic year 2011 to 2012. This must be arranged before the 1st of September 2011! Do this by printing the tuition fee payment authorization in Studielink. Fill in the authorization, sign all the pages and send it to: Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam。我听说也有其它EUR童鞋收到了这条信息,刚开始我还以为是没有收到我的学费,现在才明白说的不是学费,而是一种证明?请问这个authorization在哪儿能开呢?大家有没有搞好?谢谢~