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本帖最后由 ursula1990 于 2011-7-25 14:34 编辑

请教一下各位啊 去办理签证的时候要拿的预约信是指 在网上预约以后他发的一个邮件 确认以后又发了一个类似instruction的东西吗???


jackie840320  中级海盗  2011-7-25 15:39:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
ursula1990  见习海盗  2011-7-26 10:59:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
回复 jackie840320 的帖子

晴明桔梗印  四海霸王  2011-7-26 11:14:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏苏州
回复 ursula1990 的帖子

我之前预约了之后使馆发了个邮件要我点上面那个链接确认,我点了之后使馆预约界面上也显示预约成功了,但是后来我就没有收到邮件了,我也不知道confirmation letter到底是哪个。。。。这是什么状况==
jackie840320  中级海盗  2011-7-26 14:19:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
本帖最后由 jackie840320 于 2011-7-26 15:21 编辑

老大们,你们预约后,使馆给你们发的一个邮件,其中有一个链接,是点击后用于确认预约用的。链接下面还有信的内容,“bring this e-mail......”,意思就是你现在看的这个邮件,打印出并带上。下面是大使馆给我发的。你们看看吧,写的很清楚。除非现在大使馆的预约信换格式和内容了。

"Dear Ms./Mr. XXX",

The Netherlands Embassy in Beijing received your request for an appointment for visa application on 01.11.2010, 09:30,

Please confirm your booking by clicking the following link: http://beijing-visa.embassytools.com/。。。。。。

If you do not confirm, you appointment will be deleted automatically.

If this appointment replaces an appointment you made earlier for the same purpose, please fill in the last field in your new appointment: "# # Prior appointment to cancel (if applicable) otherwise  inform us by e-mail to pek-visa@minbuza.nl . If you fail to do so, ALL your appointments will be cancelled.

If you confirm your appointment, please read the following instructions carefully:

Bring this e-mail with you as proof of your appointment, when you apply for your visa.

The Embassy guard opens the gate every half hour for ten minutes, only for the persons who have an appointment during the following half hour. (08.50-09.00 / 09.20-09.30 / 09.50-10.00 / 10.20-10.30 / 10.50-11.00 / 10.20-10.30 / 10.50-11.00 / 11.20-11.30)

There is no use in coming earlier, for you will have to wait outside the Embassy!

People who arrive late, will be put on a waiting list and can only enter if other persons fail to show up later that morning. If not, they will have to make a new appointment.

Only complete visa applications will be accepted. Please check the requirements on www.hollandinchina.org

Disclaimer: If you received this email by mistake, please ignore it.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Beijing
ursula1990  见习海盗  2011-7-28 10:12:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国辽宁大连
回复 jackie840320 的帖子

谢谢谢谢总是担心中介那面出问题 签证会办的不顺利~~~
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