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Dear all,Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine in collaboration with Center forNeurogenomics in Amsterdam is currently seeking a postdoctoral research assistant orPhD student to work in the group of prof. Antonio del Sol. The aim of the project is to investigate novel statistical and data miningtechniques to analyze high-throughput high-content functional image data ofneuronal proteins implicated in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Human SH-SY5Yneuroblastoma cells are used as an in vitro cell model to study the effects ofcandidate PD susceptibility genes on dopamine neuron differentiation and viability.Successful candidate will be responsible for the development of scientificmethodologies and computational solutions for the interpretation of high-throughputimaging data. Experience in network analysis will be an important asset.QUALIFICATIONS• PhD (or Msc) in bioinformatics, computational biology, computer sciences,statistics or molecular biology;• Excellent verbal and written communication skills;• Experience in the large-scale data analysis and software programming skills;• Experience with machine-learning, feature-selection techniques and networkanalysis is a definite asset;• Good background in statistics;• Experience with Unix/Linux environmentThe position is for 3 years for postdoc or 4 years for PhD student and is funded byan FNR Luxembourg grant. The successful candidate will actively participate in grantpreparation process.For further information, please contact:prof. dr. Antonio del SolE-mail: antonio.delsol@uni.luBest regards,Antony Le Béchec--Dr. Antony Le BéchecUniversity of LuxembourgFSTC - Faculty of Sciences, Technology and communicationCampus Limpertsberg162a, avenue de la FaïencerieL-1511 LuxembourgTel: (+352) 46 66 44 6581Email: antony.lebechec@uni.lu<mailto:antony.lebechec@uni.lu>www.uni.lu


Dear all,The Computational Biology Research Unit of the Luxembourg Centre for SystemsBiomedicine in collaboration with the Institute for Systems Biology (Seattle, UnitedStates) is looking for a postdoc or a Ph.D. candidate in the field of inComputational Systems Biology.The goal is to model and analyze various types of biological networks (e.g. generegulatory networks, metabolic networks, protein-protein interaction networks) inorder to explain mechanisms involved in metastasis of cancer. For this purpose thecandidate will explore different aspects of these networks, including topology,dynamics, and perturbations by combining concepts from areas of mathematicsincluding graph theory, information theory and game theory. Collaboration withexperimental research group in ISB, Seattle, is essential and the candidate will begiven a unique possibility to complement the computational skills with biologicalknowledge and wet lab practice.Therefore candidates with strong commitment for exploring a fascinating researcharea and obtaining valuable experience are especially encouraged to contact us forfurther details.Profile:• Ph.D. or Master in Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Biology or a related discipline• Strong computational skills• Excellent working knowledge in English.For further information, please contact:prof. dr. Antonio del SolE-mail: antonio.delsol@uni.luBest regards,Antony Le Béchec--Dr. Antony Le BéchecUniversity of LuxembourgFSTC - Faculty of Sciences, Technology and communicationCampus Limpertsberg162a, avenue de la FaïencerieL-1511 LuxembourgTel: (+352) 46 66 44 6581Email: antony.lebechec@uni.lu<mailto:antony.lebechec@uni.lu>www.uni.lu

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