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这个不是那种3个月的探亲签证哟。另外,这个居留性质和荷兰移民决定Vreemdelingenbesluit 3.25条下说的65岁以上无人照看老人不一样。

欧盟家属居留是让父母(通过第三欧盟国)以欧盟公民家属的身份(DEPENDENT ASCENDANT) 来欧洲定居的那种居留。我很想知道是否有成功的案例。

补充一下:这个居留的法律依据是 Art. 45 VWEU 和 Art. 10 lid 1 sub b Verordening (EEG) 1612/68.
所以不是我凭空想象出来的。呵呵。 希望有办这个经验的人展开一下讨论。

[ 本帖最后由 wijk 于 2011-4-24 22:47 编辑 ]


云的形状  四海霸王  2011-4-24 21:37:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
wijk  中级海盗  2011-4-24 21:43:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 2# 云的形状 的帖子

感谢你的回复。但是你说的是荷兰移民决定 VB 3.25条下的情况。我提出来的是欧盟法下的另外一种居留。 欢迎大家继续讨论。
maisy2004  初上贼船  2011-4-25 12:47:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

我父母办了residence card.


因为父母作为non-european family member,按Euro Treaty, 所以无需签证随我来荷兰虽然先生是荷兰籍,一周内约到海牙IND,交了申请材料

1, 银行6个月的流水帐
2,town hall 临时注册证明
4, 先生与我的ID/护照复印件
7, 49X2(可能不准确), 98欧的申请费
这次IND在我的护照上贴了个永久Sticker,父母各得6个月,一周后又去IND免费贴了3个月的return visa,接到确认信后无任何消息。

P.S., 最搞笑之处是父母与我的亲属公证只是一份2003年的完全没有源文件更没有双认证的公证书,当时IND的 case worker疑惑道这不是你的出生证明啊? 我反问是我出生在哪里重要还是谁是我父母重要? 他于是闭嘴接受了。同时我还乌龙错带了先生已经过期的护照复印件,居然这位老兄允许先生从单位发来ID的复印件。

lily1986  四海霸王  2011-4-25 19:36:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 maisy2004 于 2011-4-25 13:47 发表

因为父母作为non-european family member,按Euro Treaty, 所以无需签证随我来荷兰虽然先生是荷兰籍,一周内约到海牙IND,交了申请材料

1, 银行6个月的流水帐
2,town hall 临时 ...

wijk  中级海盗  2011-4-25 20:57:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 4# maisy2004 的帖子

感谢你的回复。你和你的丈夫是不是在其它欧盟国家住过? 要不然你的荷兰籍丈夫怎么可能在荷兰可以执行EU RIGHTS?
maisy2004  初上贼船  2011-4-26 09:33:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 wijk 于 2011-4-25 21:57 发表
感谢你的回复。你和你的丈夫是不是在其它欧盟国家住过? 要不然你的荷兰籍丈夫怎么可能在荷兰可以执行EU RIGHTS?

1, 我是英籍,父母算我的家属,与先生的荷籍无关。
2,假设我不是英籍,由于我先生在英国工作多年,而且7年前我父母是以他的non-European family member 在英国拿的residence cards然后永居,所以他们也同样会被无条件给予5年卡的。
eggedreef  海贼王  2011-4-26 11:06:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
LS的你不是运气好, 而是因为你的英国护照
maisy2004  初上贼船  2011-4-26 11:54:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Family member
Family member of a citizen of the European Union[size=0.69em]You are a family member or relative of a citizen of the European Union if you are the spouse, (registered) partner, grandparent or parent-in-law or (great(grand))child of an EU/EEA subject. This position may qualify you for a stay in the Netherlands based on the EC treaty.

  • The European Union citizen in question has lawful residence in the Netherlands on the basis of the EC Treaty;

Additional conditions [size=0.69em]If you are not a spouse, (registered) partner or child younger than 21 years, you must demonstrate that your family member provides for you or that you lived with him in your country of origin.

Residence document [size=0.69em]You will be issued a residence document type I that entitles you to the same rights as your family member. If your family member has his own residence document, you will be issued a residence document with the same term of validity he has.
If your family member has a residence endorsement sticker, you will be granted a residence document with a term of five years. You can apply for the residence document at one of the IND offices. You can use the form which is called ‘Application for verification against community law (proof of lawful residence)’. You can order this form at the IND or download it from this website.

Why do the favourable EU admission rules not apply to Dutch residents if they want to bring their family members or relatives to the Netherlands?[size=0.69em]In general, the EU admission rules do not apply to Dutch residents because these rules have been specifically drafted for residents of the European Union with family, to simplify the procedure of settling in another member state. For instance, this means that a French national and his family may invoke these rules if they want to settle in the Netherlands. For Dutch residents or people who are not Union nationals and who want to bring their family to the Netherlands, the ordinary Dutch admission policy conditions apply. For more information please read the Residence Wizard, I want to bring someone to the Netherlands, my situation, for how long, which nationality, reason for residence, marriage and relationship, etc.
In the event of family reunification, the Dutch are subject to the EU admission rules only if they meet the following conditions:

  • the Dutch resident has resided in another member state together with the family member under the EC Treaty; and
  • the Dutch resident resettles in the Netherlands as economically active or economical non-active.
  • the Dutch resident provides services against payment to people in other member states and has not moved his principal place of residence outside the Netherlands. Examples include lawyers, specialists or engineers building a machine, for instance.  我与IND 的case worker 讨论过假如以我先生名义申请我父母的居住卡是否手续复杂,他与他的主管仔细看了我们的文件,特别是所有的税务记录与永久职位合同,及我父母在英的居住卡文件,答案是:完全可以。假如你的伴侣是欧盟它国国籍但居住在荷兰,有足够收入的良民,应该讲,完全有可能通过EC Treaty把父母申请来荷兰,但IND前提是必须签一个保证父母不申请荷兰福利的申明。
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maisy2004  初上贼船  2011-4-26 11:56:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 eggedreef 于 2011-4-26 12:06 发表
LS的你不是运气好, 而是因为你的英国护照

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