The grant was given to partners of migrant workers. The law however was indeed
changed. Therefor new applications will be denied.
On the residence permit form the partner is stated that use of public resources
will have consequences for prolonging the residence. Applying for the study
grant is making use of public resources. Because this restriction isn't stated
on the type 1 document of the wife(or husband) she was able to aply for the
The rules are stricter now. That means that we have to look at the restriction
on the partners residence aswell as the residence permit of the student.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Desy Verkuilen
Medewerkster Klantenservice
Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs
在ID 卡 背面 如果写有Beroep op publieke middelen kan gevolgen hebben voor verblijfsrecht就说明不可以申请 否则影响居留。。