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As you may have heard in the news, the current government Rutte has budget
cuts planned for higher education and research. More concretely, 370
million euro, or 20 percent of today's education budget, will be cut. On
top of that, the FES, the most important financial resource for innovation
and research, will drop from 658 million in 2010 to 245 million in 2015; a
decrease of 63 percent.

Following these proposed budget cuts, a national protest day has been
organized in The Hague for Friday the 21st of January. At first, this
protest was mainly organized by and for students, but in the mean time a
(simultaneous but separate) protest by professors is being organized as
well. Also, numerous university boards and the VSNU have vocally expressed
their concerns regarding the proposed cuts and encourage both students and
professors to join the protests.

Thus far, it is unknown how the proposed budget cuts will exactly work out.
Therefore, it is still hard to assess to what extent PhD Candidates will be
personally confronted with the budget cuts. Nevertheless, it is possible
that such large budget cuts will have negative consequences for Dutch
academia in general.
Consequently, today's and tomorrow's PhD Candidates might have a much
harder time to continue their academic career. Moreover, the quality of
Dutch academic research and its reputation in the world might decrease.

For these reasons, we have decided to support the protests. We want to
emphasize that we do not join the student protest, but instead support the
protest of the professors. This is done also by PhD associations from
among others Utrecht, Wageningen and Maastricht. All petitions will be
gathered Friday morning and will be handed over during the manifestation
of professors in The Hague.
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