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明晚7:30伯弩利大楼(Zernike 校区)顶部的天文望远镜有开放日活动,详见以下说明。 欢迎各位感兴趣的朋友届时光临!!!

Program ‘Night of the Night’ - Blaauw Observatory October 30, 2010

Welcome to the Blaauw Observatory! There are various activities this evening (see also schedule on other side):
1. Guided tours to the Gratama Telescope and the Observation Terrace
From 7:30 pm onwards we will have guided tours to the Blaauw Observatory every 20 minutes. The last tour starts at
10:30 pm. Each tour includes a visit to the 40 cm Gratama Telescope in the dome on top of the Bernoulliborg. With
good weather there will also be a visit to the Observation Terrace, where several other telescopes are set up. The tour
will take 40 minutes in total, of which the first 20 minutes are reserved for the visit to the Gratama Telescope, and the
last 20 minutes for the Observation Terrace....

2. Kapteyn Mobile Planetarium
From 7:40 pm onwards there will be a show in the Kapteyn Mobile Planetarium every 20 minutes. The last show will
be at 10:40 pm. The planetarium is located in the canteen on the first floor of the Bernoulliborg, left of the stairs. ...

3. Introductory presentations
Starting at 8:00 pm, every half hour an introductory presentation of 25 minutes with the title ‘The sky over Groningen’
will be given by dr. Gert Sikkema and Leon Boschman in room 105. They will explain how telescopes work, and what
the sky over Groningen looks like. The first presentation at 8:00 pm will be especially for children! In principle,
the last presentation is at 9:30 pm. However, if there is enough interest, there may also be a presentation at 10:00 pm
4. Main lectures
In the large lecture hall of the Bernoulliborg two lectures of 45 minutes will discuss current topics in astronomy. The
first lecture will take place at 8:00 pm. It’s title is ‘Apophis skims past the Earth in 2029’, and it will be given by dr.
Paul Wesselius;
The second lecture starts at 9:00 pm. It is called ‘Black holes’, and the lecturer will be dr. Gijs Verdoes Kleijn:

5. Child program
On the ground floor, next to the entrance, are various activities for children. ...

6. Science LinX and Base Camp Nano
Science LinX is located in the entrance hall of the Bernoulliborg and Base Camp Nano is located in the hall opposite
to the large lecture hall. ...

[ 本帖最后由 luckyfrends 于 2010-10-29 21:10 编辑 ]
已有1人评分 小红花 理由
teddycyd + 1 谢谢分享

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woo  高级海盗  2010-10-29 23:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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luckyfrends  高级海盗  2010-10-30 12:39:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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