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I am helping my friend Jacqueline posting this link. She is researching Chinese students' studying and living experiences in the Netherlands. Your participation is highly appreciated.

The link is

Password = Liuxueshengzaihelan


Dear Chinese students, 你们 好

I am a Dutch lecturer of English in higher education and a MSc student in Contemporary Asian Studies at the University of Amsterdam. I am currently writing a thesis on Chinese students in the Netherlands, a topic motivated by my own experiences in China. From 2006-2008 I lived in Guizhou teaching English at a teachers’ college and training teachers in middle schools. It was a very valuable and special period, so after two years it was difficult to decide whether to stay or to return.

My experiences in China, both with my own students and with the students I met while travelling, have made me curious as to what you think of my country now that you are living and studying here. Why did you choose to come to the Netherlands, did you have certain expectations and how do these compare to your experiences? I would be very grateful if you could give me some help with my research. You must be very busy at this time of year, but the questionnaire is easy to complete, it won’t take you more than 25 minutes and your feedback will be treated anonymously of course. The pass word is Liuxueshengzaihelan and you can access the site until 30 October 2010.

If you like the topic as much as I do and would like to share your experiences with me face to face, please contact me on [url=]jacq_in_china@asiamail.com[/url] or on [url=]jacqueline.bergsma@student.uva.nl[/url] and we can arrange an interview. Also, if you think your Chinese friends and fellow students would like to participate in this res! earch to o, feel free to send this questionnaire to them! I look forward to hearing from you soon and wish you a successful and happy stay in the Netherlands.

Jacqueline Bergsma


费耶诺德小男孩  ↗分区管理员↗  2010-10-4 14:08:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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