也就是说之所以学费底是因为有政府补贴结果。至于为什么荷兰各个学校学费差价如此之大,是由于各校对外国学生的不同政策引起的。以前( 基本以2000年前)荷兰各所学校对外国学生和本国学生的学费是相同的,大概1450左右。当国际学生的大量涌入后,部分学校开始收取高于1450的学费,那部分多于1450的学费就纳入各学校的“额外”收入中。
it is because the Dutch government cut the buget for non-european students,so-called 减少补贴, that is why the tuition fee have increased since 2000, as to the different level of tuition fee among universities, it depends on how much each university is willling to 内部消化,政府补贴= 7000 euros(教学成本) - 1450 for european students, if one university set tuition fee at euro 5000 for non-european students and no 政府补贴, it has a buget deficit of 7000 -5000 and has to 内部消化 |