我查了一下IBG folder,在换成DUO之前网上下载的,在17页是这么说的:1.9 Performance-related grantAs the name indicates, you must achieve a specific performance for a performance relatedgrant. The performance-related grant is comprised of:• a basic grant• a supplementary grant• an OV-studentenkaart (student public transport pass)You initially receive your performance-related grant in the form of a loan. When you obtain your diploma within ten years then your performance-related grant is converted into a gift; if you do not do so, then you must repay your performance-related grant. However, the supplementary grant you receive during the first twelve months is an exception: this is a gift.我理解的是,如果10年之内没有完成学业,那么无论是basic还是supplementary grant都要归还 (父母income这方面的补助是supplementary grant). 但是前12个月的supplementary grant即使是没有在10年之内完成学业的情况下,也是convert成gift的。我的理解和楼上死活水的不太一样: “aanvullende beurs 这个是看你父母的收入, 头12个月是会变成gift的, 后面几年要看你符合条件不 符合的话可以免 具体什么条件我不清楚”。 还请高人出来解释一下。
因为上传文件大小限制的关系,我删除了这个folder后面20页,不过相关内容在上传文件中可以找到。 |