我拿到AIO的offer了,在TUD 的TPM学院,正在办相关的手续。我已经把出生证明发给TUD的HR,他们说“ We will start the MVV procedure as soon as possible”。不过HR的人没有提房子的事情,所以我想请教一下:AIO博士的房子是不是学校给安排,住DUWO的房子?还是自己找房子?安排住处是不是属于MVV procedure的一部分呀?
还有一个问题想请教,现在去荷兰读博士,用不用在国内体检?我问HR用不用体检,“Do I need to take health certificate for international traveler?”但是她回答的是“At the moment you arrive in the Netherlands we will help you with a Dutch healtch care insurance.
During your travel to the Netherlands it is a good idea to arrange a international travel insurance.”可能是我没表达清楚,所以想问问大家,用不用在国内体检?