我是Allison, coming from The George Washington University at US, 今年秋季要过来在U Maas的SBE交换一个学期( Spt. 2010-Jan. 2011). 想请问一下住房的信息(说实话现在一头雾水==|||). 价钱. 渠道. location 等等...望广大兄弟姐妹帮帮忙~小妹在此谢过了嘿嘿 ...另外有什么中国学生的Email群或者QQ群之类的可以加吗~谢谢
thanks for ur tip~~
Yup ive already talked with them and they suggested me to take the guesthouse...but the price is...awful==|||...and it seems the condition doesnt fit very well for the price...so im thinking about living outside the campus~~