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我是在中国银行江苏省分行开的银行存款证明,货币为美圆,总额为11776,学校要求是8300欧圆或者等值美圆,我的这个数额肯定超过8300欧了。冻结期到8月23日的。用来荷兰签证,本以为没什么问题,谁知道学校今天发来一封邮件,说Ministry of Justice(办签证的地方)说我的存款证明有问题,没有标明银行的地址,电话。 可是我今天去了银行,人家说不能给加上去,说存款证明是固定格式。而且即使我自己写地址,电话打印出来,银行也不给盖章,翻译社翻得也不行。我想请问大家办的存款证明,不论是美圆还是人民币还是欧圆,大概是什么样子的?


兹证明XXX 先生/女士 截止到XXXX 年XX 月XX 日 在我行存款如下(We hereby certify that up to xx/xx/xxxx(DD/MM/YYYY), Mr/Ms/Ms xxxxx
has deposit accounts with this bank as follows):

下面就是一张简单的表格,标有 帐号、存款种类,货币以及金额,还有存人日。 最后就是落款,加一个公章,并没有银行的地址,电话。


※版权所有 盗转必究 欧洲中国人社区 http://www.kina.cc |kakakuku| 2004-6-22 1605(


Dear XX,
I have just been informed by the Immigration Offices that they want another bank statement. The one you sent is ok, but they want the full name and address and telephonenumber of the bank. So if you could fax me the bank statement again, as it is but with the address and telephonenumber of the bank (printed by the bank, not by you), I can send this statement to the Immigration Offices and your visa application can be started. If the bank can add as well that you have free access to your money, that would be perfect.

I am sorry about all this, but the Immigration Offices are very strict and stick by their rules.
Kind regards,
Ren閑 Sterk


※版权所有 盗转必究 欧洲中国人社区 http://www.kina.cc |费城星期一| 2004-6-23 1626(
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