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这不自己申请Knowledeg Engineering, 在MY-um完成了最初的三个STEP,之后,邮箱里收到了自动回复的链接,要求我:
You should submit the supplementary information via the online application form.......然后,我就继续点开链接,有一个5个STEP的admission...........4th step,there is a procdure asks me to upload some ducuments AND  I have a litte confusing about the detail of those ducuments.

1st,about "international experience letter" _____I don't understand it completely.
3rd, about reference letter? How many reference letters should I perpare?
4th,essay?Is it a personal statement or something like that?

哎呀,大家谁有经验啊,指导小弟一下,特别是xiao-jaap,我看了你好多回忒,DA JIE 美眉给我一点指点吧!可以加我QQ:852565834


chara_lu  见习海盗  2010-3-27 18:56:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
3 如果没有特别说明,一般是准备2封推荐信比较合适
4 essay没有具体的说明吗?应该是指你的论文吧
已有1人评分 威望 理由
judyzmsong + 2

查看全部评分 总评分: 威望 +2 

xiao-jaap  四海霸王  2010-4-1 18:33:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 雨人double 于 2010-3-27 06:11 发表
这不自己申请Knowledeg Engineering, 在MY-um完成了最初的三个STEP,之后,邮箱里收到了自动回复的链接,要求我:
You should submit the supplementary information via the online application form.......然后,我就继续点开 ...

Could you please send your questions to me at info-china@maastrichtuniversity.nl via email?
I will contact the department directly for you.

Wating for your email!!!
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