The service in the restaurant is really terrible! I have been there several times. The last time I went there was with my colleagues (dutch mainly). Orriginally my colleauges wanted me to order the dishes for them. But the waitor said openly to my colleagues that the dish I ordered was not good for dutch people. So, at the last they served us all babi pangang thing and still cost us 20 euro per person! Well, the so called discrimination thing do exist there! And the service is really crappy! I never went there again and never will. I think they should inprove their service for their own sake.
原帖由 criksun 于 2010-3-15 16:14 发表
想说:never fuck with the ppl who serve your food, i mean, never ever ...
原帖由 criksun 于 2010-3-15 17:14 发表
想说:never fuck with the ppl who serve your food, i mean, never ever ...