1、看了Tilburg U和UVA的Master programme都是1年制的,由此推测大部分U的经管类硕士项目的期限是一年。因此产生了一个疑虑:1年时间,至少7门课程+一篇thesis,学业压力较大。来得及在荷兰找相关实习和工作么?荷兰的签证政策有没有宽限期,给中国留学生一定期限在荷找工作。
For those of you planning to stay in the Netherlands after graduation, it is good to know that the Dutch government recently relaxed work permit regulations for graduates from Dutch universities (regardless of nationality). This means that MIF graduates can stay and work in The Netherlands for up to 5 years after graduation, without needing a work permit. There are a few conditions (minimum salary, kind of company), but these are easily met by our students/alumni.
荷兰政府是对所有本土大学的国际学生都放松了就业政策,还是仅对特定的几所?网路上哪里能找到更加详细的信息呢?各位在荷的华人同胞们品尝到到放宽政策的甘甜雨露了吗? |