Who should apply to AUC?
Doyou have broad interests, do you enjoy discussion and debate, do youlike to be challenged, and do you feel at home in an internationalenvironment?
Ifyou are a typical AUC student, you will have a good brain, broadinterests, an international orientation, strong motivation andcommitment, and a lot of energy. You like to work hard, and you careabout your environment and about society in general. Your interestscross the boundaries of subjects, cultures and languages. You aresomeone who wants to contribute to the debate on important scientificand social questions, preferably at an international level. In short,you are someone who wants to make a difference!
looks like a copy of chu ke chen
原帖由 carol4005 于 2010-1-28 07:38 发表
Amsterdam University College 和UVA什么区别?
(有点受国内思想影响,比如浙大和浙大城院的天大差别……还是它是像竺可桢学院这样的荣誉学院?) |