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荷兰经济学博士,或者关于financial management方面的博士多吗?

看在academic transfer AIO上面很少有关经济的项目?



oysnow  高级海盗  2010-1-29 19:39:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
xiao608    2010-2-8 12:10:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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oysnow  高级海盗  2010-2-8 22:08:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 3# xiao608 的帖子

那再请教一下,如果我在某个大学再度一个reserach master申请到本系PHD的机会大吗?
remote  高级海盗  2010-2-17 14:57:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
research master 一般就是为了PhD设的。读好了应该没问题。
Louis_Lu  初上贼船  2010-5-22 15:37:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
teddycyd  高级海盗  2010-6-22 15:42:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
原帖由 Louis_Lu 于 2010-5-22 16:37 发表

It should be 2+3. Two year research master and three year PHD.
MAESTRO  四海霸王  2010-6-22 16:42:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Sorry for typing (and typos) in English here.

There are plenty of PhD positions in Economics/Finance in the Netherlands, most of them are NOT advertised on academic transfer. Check the graduate school/faculty of economics websites for PhD admission. The new style 2+3 PhD program is now becoming more standard, but a traditional 4 year PhD position is still possible.

- If you have a strong Master degree AND a well developed research proposal (AND very good luck), you may get a 4 year PhD position, with the first year taking courseworks.  

- If you only have a good Bachelor or a Master degree, a two-year research master is more realistic. After your finish the research master, it is almost a formality that you will be allowed to enter a three-year dissertation phrase, unless you screw up badly in your relationship with thesis supervisors.

- Even you think you are in the first situation, it is advised that you will follow the 2+3 style, which will give you one extra year to think, prepare and kiss your supervisors' ass. The PhD econ job market is really tight, and you really need an excellent dissertation and reference letters to get a decent job afterwards.

- Most schools are more likely to have more research master graduates than the potential PhD positions: to create competition among students. Some research master graduates will choose to continue their PhD elsewhere (hopefully better places); some quit and some fail due to poor performance. Holding everything constant, research master graduates have advantages in applying for a PhD position in the same school. So even you are in the first situation above, don't be surprised that some school just turns you down when they have enough applicants from inside.

Good luck
MAESTRO  四海霸王  2010-6-22 16:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
By the way, the last point in the list above is the reason that Econ/Finance PhD positions are hardly advertised on academic transfer. There is no need if there is a research master program in the school. But some schools still put a general ad on the academic transfer on school websites.
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