Sorry to start with English as I cannot type in Chinese now.
I have a few questions for all the masters here:
1. How can I keep my long-term residence permit valid when I stay in China. I have seen a few versions of answers,so I am quite confused now. I believe many holders of similar type IDs are quite curious about the official answer.
2. Where can I find an immigration lawyer or somebody like that for the question above? As they should be the most resourceful people in this country, I hope they might have better answers.
这个”move to another country” 可以有不同的解释
如果你注销了你在荷兰的地址,这当然叫move to another country. 连续12个月之后你的id 自动失效。
如果你 没有注销你在荷兰的地址,比如说你在荷兰有买的房子,或者把地址注册在荷兰的亲戚朋友的房子那,而你人又在中国,这个叫不叫move to another country?如果是,海关可以根据你过去12个月的在荷兰或者欧盟的出入境记录,决定你的id是否继续有效。如果不是,那你的id 就继续有效,但是还有一个问题,荷兰法律允许不允许,你长时间待在欧盟以外,却还保留荷兰的地址?如果是自己买的房子,好像没有理由不让你保留在荷兰的地址吧?